How partisan can they get?
Now that they have taken control of the Wisconsin State Senate, those uncooperative Democrats won't pass Republican bills like the death penalty.
Darn those Democrats -- and those voters -- anyway!
UPDATE: Who's not cooperating? The Journal Sentinel reports:
Senate Repubs skip WisconsinCare rollout
Madison - There were almost 60 legislators from both parties -- or close to a majority of the 132-member Legislature -- grinning behind Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle on the Capitol steps today, as the governor announced details of the WisconsinCare proposal.
Who wasn't there? The 15 Senate Republicans, some of whom looked out from their second-floor Capitol offices instead of standing -- beaming --on Capitol steps for the cameras.
A spokesman for Senate Republicans said they weren't cut in on the negotiations that led to the WisconsinCare deal, and had not yet seen details of it.
But the Capitol's top Republican legislator, Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch (R-West Salem), and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) praised WisconsinCare, and said they would do all they can to make sure it gets passed by the Legislature and approved by federal officials.
If that happens, WisconsinCare will help about 119,000 residents 65 and over pay for their prescription drugs. It would replace SeniorCare, the popular program started in 2002 that federal officials have refused to continue.