7:00 PM
Monday – June 19, 2023


Pledge of Allegiance

1.Roll Call & Special Recognitions

Sutherland, McCullagh were absent

2.Approval of Minutes

Minutes were approved

3. Public Hearings

4.Public Comments


5. Unfinished Business

No Unfinished business

6. New Business

a.Presentation from Joleen Sterk regarding Menomonie Public Library Vibrant Spaces Grant.

$44,250 was awarded in the grant to the library. There is a matching citizen grant.

There will be an outdoor lounge area to be completed by Dec. 24 of 2024. There are further plans for the future that will require more funding.

Ms. Sterk stated "People want to live in interesting places:.

The full development  will require easements from Exel Energy for the surrounding  land.

This year will probably involve 70,000 visitors to the library but the library is suffering from a funding shortfall that has required cutting the hours of the library..

b. Presentation from Scott Rogers regarding West Central Wisconsin Rail Coalition.

The current Wisconsin and Minnesota rail plans include rail service to Menomonie and Eau Claire.  New infrastructure budgeting may allow this. The Chippewa-St. Croix Rail Commission has been meeting. Wisconsin DOT has put in four applications for planning grants, one of which is to study a Chicago to Twin Cities route running through Menomonie and Eau Claire. There are several possible ways to implement this route which are clarified in the video. If all goes well there could be service in the area within 3-5 years.


c. Presentation from Russ Kenny regarding TDS Fiber Optic project.

101 miles of fiber is being installed over the next several years. About a third of this will be placed by the end of the year. Some parts near downtown will be completed by the end of the summer. Data speeds will range from 300 Mbits/second to 8 Gigabytes.

In the long run there will be two redundant feeds into the city.


d. Proposed Title 5, Chapter 1 ordinance amendment regarding lawn maintenance (“No Mow
May”)–discussion and possible ordinance adoption

There is a proposed ordinance to only start enforcing lawn height restrictions starting on June 1, thereby making No Mow May a permanent thing. The council waved the first and second readings and voted to adopt the proposed ordinance. The new ordinance was approved by voice vote. 

e.Proposed Title 8, Chapter 1 ordinance amendments regarding lawn irrigation restrictions and
penalties for violations–discussion and possible ordinance adoption

The water towers ran fairly short of water during the period the mains were being flushed, which may have made it difficult to fight fires. This prompted the emergency restriction on watering by side of street. At the moment it is not possible to fine anyone if they violate this so there is a proposed ordinance to make it possible to compel compliance with restrictions. The new ordinance introduces an alternate side of the street turf watering restriction option which has several exceptions including new lawns and sport fields. 

There will be a $500 penalty for egregious violations but a $150 fine for normal turf watering violations. Tickets will not be issued unless a water user is non-compliant after a warning. 

The first and second readings of the ordinance were waived and the council adopted the ordinance. 

The ordinance was approved by voice vote. 

f. Proposed Resolution regarding alternate side lawn irrigation restrictions–discussion and
possible motion approving

The council also adopted a conforming resolution to go with the ordinance above.

g. ProposedCarbon Reduction Program Grant acceptance–discussion and motion to authorize
implementation of the grant

This is to change all street lights to LED's. It is a $184,000 project and the grant will cover $134,213 of the project. It is estimated that this will save about $30,000 per year.

The council voted to accept the money and complete the project. The vote was unanimous.

h. Let’s Paint the Town Special Event Permit–discussion and possible motion approving

This is the third year of this event. The event occurs July 22 from 10-5 and will run through much of the downtown area. Wilson Avenue from the Courthouse to Wilson Park will be closed along with a few ancillary streets. There will be over 100 vendors with booths at the event. The Red Cedar Film Festival will also overlap with this and there will be a 9 PM film showing. There will be multiple music performances including the Luddington Guard Band and Chris Kroeze. 

The permit was approved by voice vote. 

i. Red Cedar Film Festival Special Event Permit–discussion and possible motion approving

The permit was approved by voice vote. 

j. Foundations Therapy’s Anniversary Celebration & Open HouseSpecial Events Permit–
discussion and possible motion approving

The permit was approved by voice vote. 

k.Proposed Resolution to Borrow Money from the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands
(Estover Terrace Payment)–discussion and possible motion approving

This is a 20-year 5% loan to finance the Estover Terrace payments. The city will make contribution payments as the project hits different milestones. As TID 17 begins to generate tax revenue it will be used to repay the loan starting in 2025. The city can pay the loan off early if tax revenue will cover that.

This loan was approved unanimously. 

l. Review Wastewater Utility request to sell surplus equipment–discussion and possible
motion approving

This is a small shed that is no longer used, and some concrete block. 

The sale of the items was approved by voice vote. 

7. Budget Transfers

8. Mayor’s Report

Tanglewood Greens has re-opened and employing 35 people.

The mayor proclaimed June as Pride month and Today (June 19th) as Juneteenth Freedom Day.

There are many youth tournaments taking place at Wakanda Park, and the mayor commended the city council for making it possible for the ball parks in town to be cleaned up.

The electronics recycling event collected over 27,000 pounds of electronic refuse.

The National Night Out event will be somewhat different this year due to the issues at Cedar Corp, making their parking lot unsafe. 




9. Communications and Miscellaneous Business

10. Claims

The council voted unanimously to pay the bills. 

11. Licenses

a.Normal license list and renewals

Concerns were raised by Councilman Erdman about the renewal of the license for GFL to continue trash collection in the city due to the harassment of citizens by the drivers. This will be taken into further consideration. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.




a.No Closed Session Items June 19, 2023

13.Return to Open Session


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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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