Y'all, it's feeling a lot like spring right now, and you definitely need a break! So what the hey--let's have a spring break party down at The Plus! The Doublewides will once again emerge from our lair in the murky depths of the cypress swamps to deliver our usual eclectic blend of swamp-rock, blues-honk, heavy lounge and retro-billy jive, artfully curated for your listening pleasure, along with at least one Jimmy Buffet tune, because spring break! We'll be joined by the great and powerful John Utphall for this one--master of keyboards and fiddle--and between the five of us we pledge to blow the fricken roof off! So grab those aloha shirts and cargo shorts, find your lost shaker of salt, and rock out with the Flaming Doublewides!

Minimal suggested donation at the door. Hey also, we'll be giving away some cool Doublewides merch, and we'll be showing classic and truly terrible surf movies if Jon can figure out how to run the projector! Don't miss it!


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The Plus, 208 S Barstow St, Eau Claire

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