hands off medicaid poster

It's so easy to feel alone in America in 2025. We're running on a deficit of good news; and, if you're like me, Medicaid cuts are foremost on my mind. In so many words, Congress has announced plans to cut federal Medicaid spending by nearly a trillion dollars. Medicaid is social infrastructure; a series of healthcare programs that shape the way millions of Wisconsinites live, whether they're beneficiaries or not. 

Only one force in civilized politics has been capable of countervailing times like these: solidarity. Joining together with our neighbors to learn what's happening, sharing how it affects us, and learning how the people around us are similarly affected—this is the foundation of any movement powerful enough to resist and endure. The foundation of movements like these is storytelling: sharing the ways big policy issues impact our lives. You'd be shocked how a story you share can affect someone else's perspective, in ways big or small, down the road.  


That's why Citizen Action of Wisconsin is hosting a town hall event on Tuesday, March 25. We're meeting in the Casper Conference Center at CVTC's Business Education Center at 7:00pm (doors at 6:30 pm) in Eau Claire and I hope you'll consider joining us.


Directly impacted residents, local lawmakers, and advocates will discuss massive federal Medicaid cuts being debated in Congress, and you can join in the conversation.

Hands Off Medicaid Town Hall
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Casper Conference Center @ CVTC Business Education Center
in Eau Claire
Doors @ 6:30pm, event @ 7:00 pm
Free parking in Lots P1 and P9



Featured speaker:


Timothy Faust, Citizen Action of Wisconsin Healthcare Coordinator

Before Timothy was Citizen Action of Wisconsin's healthcare coordinator, he traveled the country for nearly fifteen years talking to people about how health policy shapes their lives. He wrote a book, Health Justice Now, and has been published in other national publications like Rolling Stone and the Washington Post. Timothy says, "I saw how many people know they're being screwed over so someone else can make a buck, but don't quite understand how. My hope is that this event will help clarify what's happening, why it's happening, and—most importantly—what we're going to do about it."

Share your story!

Whether it's about Medicaid, private insurance, claim denials, or something else, only through sharing stories about how healthcare policy affects us can we build a movement to build a better Wisconsin. No experience is too small!

Share Your Healthcare Story

Click here or come share in person at our town hall. If you can't make it, you can reach out to me, Jeremy Gragert.

Parking and Venue Information:

Parking is free in Lots P1 and P9 along the western side of the Business Education Center (Building 1 on the map). Enter through Door 1, the main entrance facing Clairemont Avenue.


I hope to see you Tuesday!


Jeremy Gragert
Northwestern Co-Op Organizer, Citizen Action of Wisconsin

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Event Type

Casper Conference Center @ CVTC Business Education Center
620 W Clairemont Ave, Eau Claire, WI 54701

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