County health departments around the state have been responding in different ways to yesterday's court opinion overturning the Safer at Home order extension.

Several counties moved immediately to extend all or most of the protections in the order, including Dane, Kenosha and Brown Counties, as well as the City and County of Milwaukee, City of Racine, 

Locally the Eau Claire and Dunn County health departments have released statements this morning:

Dunn County Public Health Director KT Gallagher:

“These are difficult times for a lot of people. A disease threatens our health and lives and our efforts to
stop it have challenged our freedom and livelihoods. In the wake of the Wisconsin Supreme Court
ruling regarding the Safer-At-Home order, the Dunn County Health Department is consulting with
state and local authorities about possible next steps. In the meantime, in the interests of preventing
spread of COVID-19, we respectfully request that Dunn County residents voluntarily continue to
follow safe social distancing practices.”

The health and safety of all community members remains our highest priority. We are working to
provide guidelines by the end of the business day.

From Lieske Giese, Director of the Eau Claire City-County Health Department:

“In the wake of the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling regarding the Safer-At-Home order, the Eau Claire City-County Health Department is consulting with state and local authorities about possible next steps. In the meantime, in the interests of preventing spread of COVID-19, we respectfully request that Eau Claire County residents voluntarily continue to follow safe social distancing practices.”

The health and safety of all community members remains our highest priority.

Please visit our website for more information. Questions from the public may be directed to the COVID-19 Call Center: 715-831-7425. 

Early this afternoon Chippewa County released a similar press release:

The following statement was issued by Angela Weideman, Health Officer and Director of the Chippewa County Department of Public Health:

“This has been a time of uncertainty, and I appreciate the cooperation from Chippewa County residents and community partners thus far. In the wake of the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling regarding the Safer at Home order, the Chippewa County Department of Public Health is working with state and local officials, as well as other regional partners to determine the next steps. The health and safety of all community
members is our highest priority, and keeping the community safe is what we are trained to do.

In the interest of preventing spread of COVID-19, the health department asks that community members voluntarily follow safe social distancing practices.”
Please visit our website for more
information. Questions from the public may be directed to [email protected] or 715-726-7900.

This afternoon the  Eau Claire County Public Health Department and Eau Claire County released a new press release and directive that goes into effect immediately and runs until May 28. The press release and directive are attached below. The general restrictions revolve around social distancing orders rather than restricting specific business types from opening. All businesses must comply to the requirements in the order. Individual businesses will need to determine if they can meet the requirements of the order. 

Some details of the order include:

• Individuals are strongly encouraged to stay at home or their place of residence, minimize travel outside of the county, and keep their number of connections small

• Restrictions for both public spaces and public buildings, such as physical distancing and limitations on the number of people present at one time

• Mass gatherings of more than 10 people are not permitted

• Use of the WEDC guidance for business reopening

• Elderly and vulnerable people are encouraged to take additional precautions

• Under this order, all businesses, facilities, playgrounds, campgrounds and other amenities may open and operate unless they are unable to meet and maintain the safety and protection measures outlined in the order

• All people are strongly encouraged to continue maintaining physical distancing, good hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, cleaning high-touch surfaces, not shaking hands, and follow other WI DHS and CDC recommendations




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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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