Dear SDMA Families and Staff,

Greetings from the School District of the Menomonie Area! 

Even though there is still a month left of summer break, many sports and activities for this school year will be starting in the next couple of weeks. The start of the 2023-2024 school year will be here before we know it, and it is difficult to believe that the first home football game will be played on Thursday, August 17. Please take a few minutes to review the following information:

  • First Day of School- The first day of school will be held on Tuesday, August 29. There is also a "Freshmen First Day" and K-8 "Meet and Greet Day" on Monday, August 28, but the first day with buses and classes for all students will be August 29. Please see the district calendar for more information.
  • Fall Sports Meetings have been scheduled for Sunday, July 30 (Football 10-12th grade) and Wednesday, August 2 (all other fall sports)- all students planning to participate in a fall sports (and at least one parent/guardian) need to attend the fall sports meeting.
  • Sports Physicals have been scheduled for July 28 (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM) at MHS-  the Menomonie Athletic Booster Club and Prevea Health are sponsoring an opportunity for Menomonie athletes to get their sports physical. The entire physical form needs to be filled out and signed by a parent for a student to receive a physical on July 28. Please note that students are not allowed to participate in any practices or events without an updated physical on file with the school district.
  • Activity Fees- the $100 MHS activity fee can be paid online with a credit card (through Skyward Family Access) or in person the night of the sports meeting. Any questions about fee waivers can be directed to the district office.
  • New Activities Director- The SDMA is happy to announce the hire of our new Activities Director, Michelle Guyant-Holloway. Please see this press release for more information.
  • Sports Schedules- While some finishing touches are needed for some of this year's sports schedules, the most up-to-date schedules for the 2023-2024 school year can be found on the school district website.
  • Streaming School Events- The SDMA will be streaming a variety of school events this year, and some events will include a full broadcast with commentators and commercials. If you or your business would be interested in advertising and helping to sponsor the streaming of MHS events, please contact Joe Zydowsky at 715-232-1642 ext. 11111.

Much of this information will be shared again in the SDMA Back-to-School Newsletter that will be sent to families in August, but please be sure to mark your calendars for the first day of school on Tuesday, August 29.

Have a good week.

Joe Zydowsky


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