City Council Chambers 7 PM

Pledge of Allegiance

1. Roll Call & Special Recognitions

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Public Hearings

a. Proposed zoning ordinance amendment at 600 Midway Road for Joel Harper to (I-1)

Restricted Industrial District

b. Proposed zoning ordinance amendment at 568 Midway Road for Joel Harper to (A)

Agriculture District

4. Public Comments

5. Unfinished Business

a. See 3A above – discussion and possible ordinance adoption

Change is to allow additional storage units on the property. The first and second readings were waived. The motion was adopted by voice vote. 

b. See 3B above – discussion and possible ordinance adoption

First and second readings were waived and it was approved by voice vote.

6. New Business

a. Judge James Peterson and Judge Christina Mayer presentation on Dunn County's Drug

Treatment & Family Treatment Court

Family Treatment Court deals with families who have had their children removed and the goal is to keep families together and to help with parental addiction problems. Drug Treatment court follows evidence-based nationally accepted programs to help people with addiction issues. Drug Treatment Court deals with criminally-charged people and can impose strong penalties, whereas Family Court is non-criminal cases. 

b. Wakanda Waterpark parking lot improvements – discussion and possible approval

The lot has reached the end of its useful life. Costs will be split between the city and the school district. This will cost $6500  to the city and will involve patching holes and doing a re-seal. Vote to approve was unanimous.

c. Review of an Independent Contractor Consulting Agreement for Lowell Prange – discussion

and possible motion to approve

This will involve having Mr. Prange consult on budget creation and other issues as needed. This would come from the mayor's consulting budget. The contract was approved unanimously.

d. Review of CTH B Lindstrom Equipment Utility Extension bids – discussion and possible motion of award.

They currently have a well and septic system that are failing. The city would like to expand services into this area in any case. This  will be funded by assessments against Lindstrom and TID 17.  Approved unanimously.

e. Review of Stokke Trail Rehabilitation bids – discussion and possible motion of award.

A grant was approved by  the DNR for approximately $60,000. The bid was slightly higher than officially budgeted and $23,615 will be taken from ARPA funds to help to fund the trail. The total cost is $148,615. Approved unanimously. 

f. Review of 2023 Sidewalk Improvement bids – discussion and possible motion of award.

$145,000 was allocated for sidewalk approvement. Bids were taken for Stout St, downtown,  city hall, and the Leisure Service Center. Since the low bid was higher than the budgeted amount, three of the parcels were approved unanimously, and the repairs at the Leisure Services Center will be deferred at this time.  

g. Amending Title 6, Chapter 5 to add Four-Way Stop at the intersection of 9th Street East and 21st Avenue East – introduction and possible ordinance adoption

Traffic counts are very high at this intersection. There are 11,000 trips per day at this intersection and it is recommended to do stop signs at any intersection over 4,000. These stop signs were approved by voice vote with two (Yonko and Schlough) voting no. 

h. Amending Title 10, Chapter 11 to adjust the extent of the Legally Defined Area – discussion

and possible ordinance introduction and referral to Plan Commission

This is to allow Cedar Corp to construct a new building in the same position as their former headquarters which was just demolished because it was structurally unsound. The previous building had zero setback. They hope to be moving into the new building in mid-2025. The ordinance was introduced and referred to the Plan Commission. 

i. Amending Title 14, Chapter 4 to adjust minimum lot areas – discussion and possible ordinance introduction and referral to Plan Commission.

Currently lots must be .46 acres, which puts wells and septic systems very close together. The increase to one acre is intended to improve the safety of well and septic systems in unsewered areas. This ordinance was introduced and referred to the Plan Commission.

7. Budget Transfers

A single $1000 budget transfer was approved to cover drug testing for CDL licenses. 

8. Mayor's Report

National Night Out was a big success. The Dunn County Fair was well attended. The water park has had over 25,000 visitors

The Cedar Corp building was demolished and debris is being removed. 

Chris Kroese will perform in Wilson Park during the homecoming celebrations. 

Work has started on 21st Ave and 5th St. Traffic is limited to those who live in the work area. This will be finished by August 25.

There will be more chip sealing projects soon. 

A house will be moved on Monday the 14th - several detours will be moved. This may take several hours. 

9. Communications and Miscellaneous Business

a. First September City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 5

Downtown Menomonie is looking for a new Executive Director. 

Plans for train service to Menomonie are now in the planning stage. 

10. Claims

Claims were approved unanimously. 

11. Licenses

a. Normal license list

The license list was approved. 

12. Closed

13. Return to Open Session

14. Adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 8:23 PM


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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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