On Monday Oct. 20 the Menomonie Police Department and the School District of the Menomonie Area became aware of an alleged inappropriate relationship between a student and a staff member. The staff member was arrested and is currently in the Dunn County Jail.
A criminal complaint shows that 22-year-old Quinton Malik Williams has been charged with three instances of sexual assault. of a student by school staff.
The criminal complaint states that a police officer was informed of an inappropriate Snapchat video of the staff member which was taken by the student Williams was shirtless in the video. After police contacted them, the student admitted to having contact and sexual relations with Williams multiple times and described the contact as consensual. Williams has denied having any contact with the student outside of school.
A statement was released by the school district:
Dear SDMA Families and Staff,
Information will be released later this afternoon by the Menomonie Police Department regarding a recent situation during which a paraeducator was arrested and charged with sexual contact involving a minor. This paraeducator is no longer an employee of the school district and will not be allowed on school property moving forward.
The district's official statement about this situation is listed below:
The School District of the Menomonie Area is aware that a paraprofessional formerly employed by the district has been arrested and charged with sexual contact involving a minor. The individual is no longer employed with the SDMA and will not be allowed on school property moving forward.
This is a situation we take very seriously and are closely cooperating with local law enforcement officers as they conduct an investigation. Because this investigation is ongoing, we cannot share further details at this time.
The SDMA would like to thank the person that came forward, the staff members who assisted with the investigation, and the Menomonie Police Department for their quick and appropriate response. The safety and wellbeing of our students is our number one priority. If any students need additional support, we encourage them to speak with a school counselor at any time.
Joe Zydowsky
Zydowsky is the administrator of the school district.
A media release was sent out by the Menomoniie Police Department

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Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.
He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.
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