The GOP in Wisconsin just launched a new Wisconsin Worker Freedom web site.
Its there to let you express your opinion on the Right-To-Work legislation
It even shows the twitter feed for @wiworkerfreedom, and gives you a chance to send tweets to them. Interestingly though, the "feed" on their web site only shows the tweets they want you to see - the ones that promote the Right To Work legislation. Compare the site to the actual twitter feed for @wiworkerfreedom . Now, it's not at all surprising to realize that the GOP only wants to hear opinions supporting their union-busting interests. We saw that the last couple days during the public hearing where the vast majority of people speaking were against the bill, and a very large percentage speaking in favor were from other states. And which ended early because the GOP was afraid that people would speak out of turn. This was a "threat". Remember these are the same people who found little girls doodling in the gallery to be a threat because they might write something they did not like. They took their paper away.
We saw it during the so-called debate yesterday in the Senate where the Senate read in a number of different amendments to the bill and then quickly shot them down. And we see it almost every day when GOP legislators blow off emails and other contacts from their constituents if they don't toe the line. It's interesting that the Republicans feel they need to drum up a fake show of support when in fact it's clear the Assembly is going to pass this bill next week no matter what people in the state want. Because that's what they do. Out of state think tanks, astroturf groups, greenwashing PACs and others with the big bucks are now running this state. I know my own opinion counts for nothing in the legislature (well, that's not true, I know that my state Senator actually listens to her constituents and in fact represents us - all I got back from my representative was a stinking email saying he had not formed an opinion -- he never does form an opinion till after he votes).
I'm happy to see that there was protesting in the past week, and I'm sure there will be more. Alas, the current legislature has proved time and again that public opinion matters not one bit. It's time for us to do two things:
1. Find ways to let businesses in the state know that we will only patronize them if they support those of us who spend our money with them.
2. Throw the bums out.