Once again, it's time for the weekly blog roundup from all 50 states -     Hawaii
Poinography! So hey, Hawaiian Public Utilities Commission--Where are the data you promised and allocated $1.2mil for, about gas refiners working the islands? Idaho
43rd State Blues It's like data mining, right here in the 50 State Update! Tour the Spud State Review of top Idaho blogs.

PrairieStateBlue Trying to Google-ad their way out of backlash over culpable pollution of Lake Michigan,oil oligarchists BP are launching a major PR
offensive for damage control. Indiana
Blue Indiana Hey, do you remember way back when I was talking about BP's troubles in Illinois? Looks like trouble has leached over the border into Indiana. Feel bad for BP's tough luck. Iowa
Bleeding Heartland Is a repeat of the 2004 Iowa caucus in the offing for Democrats? Scope the parallels. Louisiana
Daily Kingfish CenLamar creates a valued resource by compiling a compendium on the Jena Six, a story earning national attention for its evocation of racial tension and tradition thought to be bygone. Maine
Turn Maine Blue There's a statehouse seat coming open, as another Republican calls it quits and gives Democrats a chance to extend their majority in Maine. Maryland
Free State Politics Melissa at Free State takes a look at the Baltimore transportation draft plan, and can't believe they'd pretend it was adequate in the least. Massachusetts
BlueMassGroup It's been a good summer for Gov. Deval Patrick; he's rebounded from a rough start to post 53% favorability ratings (+13) in the most recent SUSA polling . Michigan
Michigan Liberal Over at Michigan Liberal,a crazy-thorough analysis of media consolidation in Michigan, complete with stock charts! Wonky goodness through and though. Minnesota
Minnesota Campaign Report Congressman Oberstar is moving quickly to seek aid from the federal government, asking for $250 million in emergency funding in the wake of the I35W collapse Wednesday. Godspeed to those among the affected. Mississippi
Cottonmouth Blog More from the What You Get With a 50-State Strategy Dept:MS Dems tell Governor Barbour, "Hold on there, Guvnah!"
for Haley's education budget whoppers. Don't take that kind of response
messaging for granted in beet red states, folks. Encourage it. Missouri
Fired Up! Missouri Blunt gets Fired Up! about Supreme Court interviews, and is at it again with the bizarre, borderline sadistic questions for the nominees. Good for a laugh, especially if you're not up for Missouri Supreme Court. Montana
Left in the West If it's summer in Montana, there's probably a fire somewhere. There's a bunch at the moment; don't tell Conrad Burns. Nebraska
New Nebraska Want to blame someone for California's toying with proportionate allocation in the electoral college? How about Nebraska? Nevada
My Silver State Sven has started a "who do you back?" diary forum for people to tout their favorites for Democratic Presidential nominee. The submissions are rolling in; here's o
and here's another, both for Barack. New Hampshire
Blue Hampshire Sen. John Sununu's got a poverty plan! Privatize Social Security! We'll call that a somewhat "long-termish" solution. New Jersey
Blue Jersey Democracy Corps polling has got to be giving Mike Ferguson and other Congressional Republicans severe heartburn. New Mexico
New Mexico FBIHOP Tom Udall fights for a renewable energy standard in Congress. Rock on, Tom! New York
The Albany Project Home day care workers: vital, caring for and educating our young loved ones, and yet they make jack crap and aren't unionized. That's gonna change in NYC, if the United Federation of Teachers have something to say about it.. New York
Daily Gotham Microlending--it's not just for World Bank and impoverished countries. It works here, too. North Carolina
Blue NC "State of the Candidate's Websites, Take 2" is a recap of the online presence, or absence thereof, for North Carolina's leading Democrats. North Dakota
North Decoder http://www.northdeco...
>Is Bobcat bidding bye to Bismarck? Bummer. Ohio
As Ohio Goes Headlines from the front of cultural politics:Ohio Goppers Say, "Womens' Rights? Better Ask Your Man!" plus Ohio Republican Announces Run with Anti-Gay Tirade Ohio
Buckeye State Blog Rudy Guiliani shows that sharp eye for qualified underlings, hiring the disgraced Bob Ney's favored spokesperson as his Communications Director. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt on whether she's hiding a whacking in her past. Oklahoma
blue oklahoma The big news in OK, no doubt: Andrew Rice's challenge to incumbent Sen. Jim Inhofe. Oh, to dream, perchance to flip! Oregon
Loaded Orygun The state media are slowly starting to ask the question: "Was Gordon Smith actually involved in the plan that killed 70,000 adult salmon?" Loaded Orygun has the state Dem Party's compilation of the clippings, and TJ gives you a bullet-fact primer on the scandal. It WILL be a campaign issue. Pennsylvania
Keystone Politics Dr. Dean is spreading the medicine in Pittsburgh: Big ad buys and expensive consultants are yesterday's tools for yesterday's campaigns. Retail, retail, retail. Rhode Island
Rhode Island's Future Senator Whitehouse goes to Greenland to visit the shrinking fjords.Pretty great picture. South Dakota
Clean Cut Kid Clean Cut Kid is having real life and spam issues that are interrupting blogging. Oh, how we have been there. Tennessee
Knox Views Alternative papers can be a vital jumpstart to a more progressive city. Knoxville may finally have a real one, one that is holding the old boys city network accountable for a change. Texas
Burnt Orange Report Rick Noriega has made an ad, and for a bio I think it's pretty strong. Texas
Texas Kaos After what was surely exhaustive (and exhausting) research, scientists at UT have determined people have sex primarily as an expression of affection. Some say getting closer to God--talk about performance anxiety! Utah
Wasatch Watcher Will Utah Congressman Matheson and the rest of the Blue Dogs get the hint about Iraq? Vermont
Green Mountain Daily Vermont, one of the national leaders in towns who resolved against the Bush administration, heard back. Can't guess whether he took their advice? Think harder. Virginia
Raising Kaine Special
shout to my 27-year home and the blog named after the mayor of my home
for 10 years, Richmond...speaking of Kaine himself, he's stepped into the public light and endorsed a timeline for Iraq withdrawal. Hey, it's Virginia. They do everything slow, especially in summer. Washington
WashBlog Noemie digs into the King County Republican Party [ewwww], unearthing their aggressive, speculative and harrassing vote suppression tactics, revealed in an interview with more pride than remorse. Ewwww. West Virginia
West Virginia Blue Affordable higher ed for adults-- why not just do it? Wisconsin
Uppity Wisconsin The results are in, and Governor Doyle is off the hook for influence peddling.
Investigators found no connection between contributions and the
approval of a nuclear power plant. The clearance ran in the papers with
decidedly less prominence than the allegations.

See you next week!