The first two paragraphs of a story by Marie Rohde in the Daily Reporter:

A Milwaukee alderman wants answers from the sewerage district after a $6.1 million pump station failed to prevent backups in a north side neighborhood after the July 22 storm.

James Fratrick, a watershed specialist with the Department of Natural Resource’s Milwaukee office, said the pump station spewed 45 million gallons of water and sewage from the lift station over 13 hours as a result of the July 22 storm.

And the sixth paragraph:

Representatives from the sewerage district, the mayor’s office and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources did not immediately return calls Monday.

Maybe he didn't "immediately" return a call, but it seems as if someone names James Fratrick from the DNR must have called back.

Rhode was part of the team that regularly misrepresented and savaged MMSD when she covered the district as a Journal Sentinel reporter (and I was a commission member). Looks like she has found a new outlet for her consistently negative take.

Submitted by xoff on