Henry Boschen from Chippewa Falls has been viewing a number of frac sand mines and processing plants with his drone and camera. Take a look at the size and scope of these mines and processing plants in the State of WI. 

The Flambeau Mine, a sulfide mine in Rusk Co. was of grave concern to the public in the 1990's. The footprint of the mine was 181 acres, the size of the mine pit was 32 acres with a maximum depth of 225 '. The life of the mine was 4 years and it produced A TOTAL  OF  1.9 million tons. 8.6 million tons of waste were produced but they were shipped to Canada along with gold, silver, nickel and other precious metals to be smelted. Heavy metals in frac sand mining areas are polluting family wells as there are sulfides and low pH levels causing leaching. We are discovering that several families have to carry in ALL their water at their own expense due the presence of iron and arsenic. The Flambeau Mine is still leaching out heavy metals into a stream and then into the Flambeau River. What will be the future of citizens lives in WI with the vast numbers of frac sand mining facilities? Our landscapes, undisturbed, protect supplies of clean water which flow through the  sandstone hills, ridges, and bluffs of WI. Take a look at the mines and processing plants posted. The acreages are immense and the silica produced per year is far beyond what was produced at the Flambeau Site. www.lookdownpictures.com Thank you to Henry Boschen for his work on this immense project! There will be many more panoramic views to post. ****** This past week an excellent webinar entitled "What's in my Food: When Food and Shale Production Intersect" was held. Some of you were not able to participate. You may now view the webinar. It is about shale gas areas and food production. We are all impacted as there are many states where hydraulic fracturing is taking place; farming communities take responsibility for providing safe and healthy food supplies for Americans and the World. Ted Auch, in is portion, mentions frac sand regions in the midwest being affected too. Ted says:  The recording lives here on our site. You can use the Youtube link to embed on your own respective sites. or Prarthana Gurung from the Halt the Harm Network says:  This week "we heard from speakers at Citizens for a Healthy Community and the FracTracker Alliance on the topic of how fracking impacts food in the webinar "What’s In My Food: When Food and Shale Production Intersect".

Fortunately we recorded the session, so you can check it out on your own time.

>>> Watch the webinar recording here

Don’t miss your chance to check out the presentation in the recorded session and make sure to let us know if you’d like learn more.

And, as always, we would love to hear any ideas for future webinars from you.

Thank you,

Prarthana Gurung
Halt the Harm Network

    In a few weeks there may be a webinar on frac sand mining available from FracTracker and the Halt the Harm Network. Watch for additional information as to date and time.  Pat Popple   715-723-6398       [email protected] Welcome to the Frac Sand Sentinel, a newsletter highlighting resource links, news media accounts, blog posts, correspondence, observations and opinions gathered regarding local actions on, and impacts of, the developing frac sand mining and processing industries. 

The content of this newsletter is for informational purposes only. The editor of the Frac Sand Sentinel does not accept any responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of the content of this newsletter or reliance by any persons on the newsletters contents.

CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE: WWW.CCC-WIS.COM for additional information


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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.
