

Following many other counties and cities in the state, Dunn County late this afternoon issued a health order to provide some guidance to businesses and other organizations in the county in the wake of the court order yesterday. The court order issued by the Supreme Court yesterday rendered the state Safer at Home rules void and immediately opened up all businesses in the state.

Today's health order, issued jointly by the Dunn County Health Department, Menomonie  Police, and Dunn County Sheriff's Office. 

The order includes the following, and the entire order and the issuing letter from the government entities is attached below.

1. Mass gatherings Dunn County residents are advised to avoid gatherings of 10 or more
people in their place of work, play or worship. All gatherings that bring together people in a
single room or confined or enclosed space, whether inside or outside, at the same time

? Preserve physical distancing (maintaining 6 feet of distance between people and
avoiding all direct physical contact).

? follow all other public health recommendations issued by Dunn County Public Health
Department, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the US Centers for
Disease Control.

2. Schools In line with the decision of the Supreme Court, all public and private schools in
Dunn County shall remain closed. Staff presence on school property for basic operations, to
distribute food, or to support distance learning will be allowed.

3. Safe business practices In the interest of public safety, all Dunn County businesses shall:

a. Have policies or practices in place to monitor their staff for symptoms of COVID-19 or
exposure to a known case on a regular basis;

b. Have policies or practices that support working from home, when feasible;

c. Have policies or practices encouraging handwashing, wearing masks, and physical

d. Have policies or practices supplies to ensure adequate disinfection and cleaning;

e. Cooperate with Public Health investigations related to COVID-19 confirmed or suspected
cases related to the business operations, including excluding employees based on
public health recommendations and assisting public health with identifying and
contacting contacts of cases;

f. Cease door-to-door operations; and

g. Review the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation guidelines on safe business
practices, available here: Businesses must consider
integrating and adopting the applicable guidelines.

4. Travel Residents are strongly encouraged to avoid non-essential travel outside of their

a. Residents can travel to work or to take care of dependents.

b. Residents who travel to the Twin Cities for work must be cautious and monitor
themselves for symptoms.

c. If a Dunn County resident does travel outside their community or travels using confined
means he/she should limit contact with non-household members for 14 days and monitor
symptoms closely.

Public health and local law enforcement will utilize statutory authority granted by the Wisconsin
Legislature in Wis. Stats. §252.25 and local Human Health Hazard ordinances to prevent the
spread of COVID-19 when associated with a particular outbreak centered around places, events
or individuals.


Attached Document


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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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