In Executive Order 77 Governor Evers has ordered all flags at state buildings be flown at half-staff for Memorial Day, starting at sunrise Monday morning.

“On behalf of the state of Wisconsin, I would like to honor the members of our nation's armed services who paid the ultimate sacrifice, and extend our heartfelt gratitude to the families and loved ones they left behind,” said Gov. Evers. “We owe so much to the brave individuals who have given their lives in service of our country and our freedoms. Let us continue to honor their mark on history and our nation's future.

“As we honor this weekend I encourage Wisconsinites to continue to follow the Wisconsin Department of Health Services safety recommendations by catching up with family and friends virtually, maintaining six feet of distance from others, wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, forgoing gatherings of people, and staying close to home and in your communities.”

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Steve Hanson

Steve is a web designer and recently retired from running the hosting and development company Cruiskeen Consulting LLC. Eye On Dunn County is now published by Eye On Dunn County LLC, and publication of this site continues after his retirement.

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley

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