MenomonieDunn County Health Department & Chamber of Commerce Menomonie, April 4 th , 2020:

Currently, in Dunn County there are four confirmed cases of COVID-19. 1 recovered, 3 self-quarantined, and 1  ospitalized. All essential businesses and operations are encouraged to remain open; all employers must consider the best ways to lower the impact of COVID-19 in their workplace.

Consider teleworking, staggered shifts, and increasing physical space between employees at work sites. Take a look at the CDC page on how to prepare your workplace for COVID-19.

Our community’s health is dependent on many things, two major ones are economic health and the physical health and safety of our community members. “At this time, business owners should be putting the health and safety of community members above business needs” said KT Gallagher, Dunn County Health Department Directory.

“It’s also incredibly important for the community to keep supporting our local businesses in a safe way, so that they’re still here when the Safer at Home act is withdrawn” said Ashley DeMuth, Menomonie Chamber of Commerce CEO. Consider shopping locally for your current essentials, many businesses have created personal shoppers and non-traditional business procedures to keep their customers safe.

How to know you’re an essential business:…

Here’s what you need to know regarding receiving support for COVID-19. Congress’s latest coronavirus relief package, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, is the largest economic relief bill in U.S. history and will allocate $2.2 trillion in support to individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic and economic downturn.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES):

Who does the CARES Act apply to?

o It applies to individuals with a Social Security Number (SSN)

o Tax filers who are not dependents may receive $1,200 (single filers and heads of household) or $2,400 (joint filers), with an additional rebate of $500 per qualifying child

o If they have adjusted gross income (AGI) under $75,000 (single), $150,000 (joint), or $112,500 (heads of household) using 2019 tax return information. (The IRS will use 2018 tax return information if the taxpayer has not yet filed for 2019.) The rebate phases out at $50 for every $1,000 of income earned above those thresholds.

Economic Support Available: Pandemic Unemployment Insurance

Do I qualify? Workers must meet three qualifications before applying for Pandemic Unemployment insurance:

o Ineligible for any other state or federal unemployment benefits. Unemployed, partially unemployed, or cannot work due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

o Cannot telework or receive paid leave. This includes workers like those who are self- employed, independent contractors, gig economy workers, and those who do not have sufficient work history to qualify for regular benefits.

What are the benefits?

o A $600 weekly boost that is fully funded by the federal government.

o The length of benefits is now 39 weeks, that’s the regular 26 week provided under state programs plus a temporary 13-week expansion.

o The new $600 weekly boost will be provided to those who are already receiving unemployment at the state level.

Who determines if I qualify?

o The Department of Labor in the state of Wisconsin will administer benefits. Workers will need to file a claim with the unemployment program in the state that they worked.

Contact Great Rivers Consortium at (888)-283-0012 to discuss unique situations or get paper copies of forms 


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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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