DATE: Saturday September 28 1-5pm

Eau Claire Unitarian Universalist Congregation
421 S Farwell St, Eau Claire

This is a 4 hour workshop immersion into enlivening & liberating your voice. Together we will be playful, joyous, breathing deeply and feeling free.

What gifts are you longing to birth into the world?

How might your life shift if you were fully present in your body, if you fully expressed yourself, and felt the experience of being alive - fully?

Every facet of our lives - physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually are impacted by our voice. Becoming more conscious of ways to use your voice - the sounds and tones you make, can help shift and expand your life.

REGISTER : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6MoEJqZXhIwTJZwfIml-dNpIBJyY…

Please join Tracy Chipman, storyteller, somatics guide and Full Voice coach for this emergent exploration with The Five Elements Framework™, somatic based movement, storytelling and reflective writing.

This is NOT a singing workshop. We'll be focused primarily on sound -- although we may sing a few simple songs in the oral tradition. You'll never think about -- or use -- your voice in the same way again!

In this joyful, illuminating workshop, you will:

• Open up the full range, power, and expression of your voice.

• Learn how to use your voice to improve your leadership, strengthen relationships, and live more alive.

• Reclaim lost aspects of yourself.

• Risk being seen and heard in new ways.

• Join with a lively community of vocal explorers.

You do NOT need to know how to sing to participate in this workshop. There will be singing involved, but we won't read a lick of music and no one will have to sing a solo. (Actually, no one will have to do anything they don't want to do.)

$80 regular / $100 supporting others / $60 supported by others.
Best for Adults & Confident Teens
Space is limited to 13 participants

Please register by 9/25. We need a minimum of 6 to run the workshop: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6MoEJqZXhIwTJZwfIml-dNpIBJyY…

What to bring:

Please dress in layers for movement
Water bottle, snacks and a packed lunch
Paper & pen


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Event Type
Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

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