Use your creativity to create a spooky, haunted, and creepy looking house/building to make a Historic Haunted Village at the Museum!

All you have to do is:

Fill out this form

Or stop by and let us know you want to participate!

You can build your own from scratch, or we have a limited number of blank houses for you to use as a base.

* Entry into the Historic Haunted village is $5
* Entry AND a paper mache house base is $10 (limited supply -pick up at the museum)

We ask that you also write a short story about your house/building - tell us its Haunted History! This will be on display next to your house.


* The base for your haunted house cannot exceed 12 by 12. This can be the base of the house itself, or a smaller house on a 12x12 base.
* The them of your house, and it's story can be spooky or scary, but must be appropriate for all museum visitors to read. Please call the museum if you have questions
* No edible decorations on your house (to avoid pests in the museum)
* Categories for voting: Favorite House - Adult, Favorite House - Child (up to age 17), Favorite Story
* Please put your name on the underside of your house so it can be identified.

Houses must be finished and dropped off at the Museum by Oct 15. Your house and story will be on display at the museum through Halloween!

Visitors will vote on their favorite haunted house and story when they visit!

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Rassbach Museum and Fulton's Workshop,1820 John Russell Rd, Menomonie, WI 54751, USA

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