Are you ready for round two of our Jigsaw Puzzle Competition? We have an all new super-secret puzzle ready!
Anshus Jewelers is providing the grand prize -- a nod to their own puzzle competition in 1951!
Do you like jigsaw puzzles? Hanging out with friends for friendly competition? Supporting the Rassbach Museum and the Dunn County Historical Society? This is the event for you! Help us celebrate our 75th Anniversary by supporting the museum and being part of the latest puzzling trend.
Teams of up to four compete to finish a custom 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle featuring an image from the Rassbach Museum's collection. A new edition will be revealed at this event! Each team gets to keep their puzzle, and the winner will get a limited-edition trophy made by our Fulton's Workshop staff.
The competition will be followed by a free puzzle exchange that will open to the public at 1 p.m. (Puzzle participants get first choice at the puzzle exchange.)
A $75 donation will reserve your table for a team of up to four contestants, aged 15+ Each team will get four soft drink tickets. Additional drinks and snacks will be available.
Click the Save Your Spot button for registration and complete rules and details.
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