We will attempt to live stream the meeting here as it takes place. The meeting begins at 7 PM on 12/7/2020. The link to attend the meeting on-line is at the end of this post.
5. Unfinished Business
A. Proposed temporary trailer storage extension for Stepping Stones of Dunn County, Inc. at 1602 Stout Road – discussion and possible motion approving
This was approved.
6. New Business
A. Review of the water, wastewater, solid waste, storm water utility and Tax Increment Districts 2021 operating budgets – discussion and possible motion approving
Utility budgets are being held at their 2020 levels.
The heads of each department presented what they are changing.
Wastewater is reducing the charge for septic tank sewage to bring it more in line with neighboring communities.
Solid Waste salaries were increased to handle a new staff member and to have another attendant for the city. There will be discussion in early 2021 to find gaps in the community that are happening because of the county shutting down their program. There will be an announcement soon of the single-stream recycling in the city. Permits this year will be mailed from City Hall rather than being handed out at the site. You may request a permit on-line or by filling out a form at the collection site.
The operating budgets for the departments were all approved by the council.
Tax Increment districts 11-16 are the current districts that are in place. The districts are performing well, and the 2021 operating budgets were approved by the council.
B. Presentation of the 2021 Bond Construction Fund capital budget – discussion and possible motion approving
There was a discussion about the different projects in the budget - please see the video for details.
The budget was approved by the council.
C. Resolution amendment #4 to the Project Plan of Tax Incremental District #11 subtracting district territory – discussion and possible resolution adoption
This is an area near the tech park, it is the lots near the Whisper Ridge development. This is removing some of the Whisper Ridge lots that should not be in the TID. The Joint Review Board will need to issue a final approval on this resolution. The resolution was adopted by the council.
D. Choice Commercial, LLC request for TID #11 incentive payment release – discussion and possible motion authorizing
This is a release of $150,000 as an incentive payment. This is being held up currently pending an OSHA dispute. The payment was approved.
E. Proposed traffic control signage relocation at Maple Avenue and Wakanda Beach Road – discussion and possible motion approving
This change was approved.
F. Proposed 6-4-1 ordinance amendment removing the 45-minute parking meter restriction from the 700 block of 4 th Street East – discussion and possible ordinance adoption
This is the area of the old Visitor's center, which is moving. The change in parking was approved after waiving the first and second readings.
G. Budget Transfers, write off of uncollectible NSF checks, and write off of uncollectible 2019 invoices
7. Mayor’s Report
There is a tiny homes study group meeting on Friday at 10 AM.
The new hockey rink is up at the new park. There should be electricity and lights within the week. It is planned to open Dec. 17 assuming the weather cooperates.
Ward 5 is opening up for the upcoming election. There was a discussion about different methods of collecting signatures during the pandemic.
There was a discussion in regard to the city enforcing COVID safety measures. The mayor suggested that it would be useful if the county or state did something more forceful. The possible conflicts with the new proposals for legislation by the Republican Assembly were mentioned.
There was a meeting with the Mabel Tainter in regard to the issues raised in the last meeting. The board was asked a number of financial questions which they will be answering. It was an upbeat meeting according to the mayor.
The revised claims list was approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.
NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting is being held in person and via Zoom Teleconference / Video Conference or, over the internet by going to https://zoom.us/join (URL for Zoom meeting), or by calling 1 312 626 6799. The Access Code for the meeting is 845 4077 7891.
Individuals appearing in person will be seated in the Council Chambers, subject to the social distancing rules. Space available will be on a first come, first served basis. All public participants’ phones and computers will be muted during the meeting except during public comment. Recordings of previous meetings are available on the City of Menomonie’s website.
NOTE: Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities. For additional information or to request the service, contact the City Clerk or the City Administrator at 232- 2180.
Support our news coverage with a membership!
Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley. He is also currently the Ambassador to Newsrooms Serving Rural Communities with LION Publishers.
He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.
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