Articles that are opinion, or op-ed based

Jeff Smith - Tourism Brings Home the Bacon


You know the feeling. The car is loaded up. The cooler is packed. The kids are buckled up and you are backing out of the driveway for that long-awaited vacation. Where are you headed? It doesn’t matter. You’re hitting the road and every moment after that is an adventure filled with new memories with

WFU - The Crazy Train of Political Obstructionism

Julie Keown-Bowmar

By Julie Keown-Bomar, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Wisconsin Farmers Union


Wisconsin Farmers Union is taking a clear stand on two upcoming constitutional questions appearing on the August 13 ballot. Both are designed to limit the power of the governor to distribute federal funding. If they pass, the

Jeff Smith - Beware of amending the constitution in August

voting poll

If you plan to cast a ballot in the primary election on Tuesday, August 13th you need to know what to expect. Your ballot may not even have a single contested race of candidates for state legislative seats or county offices, but buried at the very end it will for sure have two questions you are

Joe Plouff - Two More Constitutional Amendments!? In August? What Gives? 

Joe Plouff

First, I’m a candidate for the 92nd Assembly District, and I urge you to ‘just say no’ on both Amendments when you vote on August 13. The Amendments as proposed will have lasting negative consequences for state residents and are simply a means of ensuring the policy priorities of the current

Jeff Smith - An Independence Day For The Ages


The Fourth of July is a time to celebrate the country we call home. We celebrate with fireworks, burgers, ice cream or show our red, white, and blue colors. Regardless of our specific traditions, we all find unique ways to show our patriotism.

During this time, I can’t help but reflect on the

Jeff Smith - Not all heroes wear capes

Senator Jeff Smith

"Not all heroes wear capes” is an expression you hear frequently to describe everyday folks doing extraordinary things without asking for credit or even boasting about their good deeds. That could easily fit the description of Lyle Orsch. 

Lyle is a young man I became aware of last week. In January

Jeff Smith - Celebrating Pride Month

pride flag

Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Over the course of my life, I can look back and see how true that statement is. History shows us the very tangible progress we have made, even in recent years, but it’s important to

Joe Plouff - Have You No Sense of Decency?

On June 9th, 1954. Joe Mcarthy was asked, “Have you no sense of decency?” for his fabrications and accusations of trying to revive a failing political career and doing irreparable harm to many people's lives.  Now Wisconsin has Glenn Grothman, a Representative to Congress, who appears to have no