Articles that are opinion, or op-ed based

Jeff Smith - Not all heroes wear capes

Senator Jeff Smith

"Not all heroes wear capes” is an expression you hear frequently to describe everyday folks doing extraordinary things without asking for credit or even boasting about their good deeds. That could easily fit the description of Lyle Orsch. 

Lyle is a young man I became aware of last week. In January

Jeff Smith - Celebrating Pride Month

pride flag

Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Over the course of my life, I can look back and see how true that statement is. History shows us the very tangible progress we have made, even in recent years, but it’s important to

Joe Plouff - Have You No Sense of Decency?

On June 9th, 1954. Joe Mcarthy was asked, “Have you no sense of decency?” for his fabrications and accusations of trying to revive a failing political career and doing irreparable harm to many people's lives.  Now Wisconsin has Glenn Grothman, a Representative to Congress, who appears to have no

Find a Dairy Breakfast Near You

Picture of cow

June is my favorite time of the year for many reasons. The weather is absolutely beautiful, school is out and people are generally in a great mood during my Stop N’ Talk events. But most of all, I love spending time meeting people and getting to know the farmers who host our County Dairy Breakfast

Remembering Cpl. Red Cloud Jr.

Cpl. Red Cloud Jr.

Monday was Memorial Day, and many people have come to view Memorial Day weekend as the unofficial kickoff to summer. However, Memorial Day is about far more than just backyard barbecues and main-street parades. It’s a day to remember and honor all the brave individuals who’ve died while serving in

Jeff Smith - The People’s Work Undone

State Senator Jeff Smith

Last Tuesday the 2nd of April was the spring election. It was clear based on the referenda questions on ballots throughout Wisconsin that something isn’t right. Headlines throughout the past year proclaimed Wisconsin had a record surplus, but our ballots painted a different story of our state’s

Jeff Smith - Who Wants to Serve?

capitol rotunda

In the five years since taking office, Governor Evers has offered appointments ranging from cabinet secretaries to numerous boards and commissions for confirmation in the Wisconsin State Senate. The Republican-controlled senate has rejected 21 total appointments from the Governor.

The 21 appointments