Apologies to the Eurythmics. But you will notice the big red banner at the top of the site is telling you we are under a flash flood warning. They mean it. People in the area are reporting various amounts of rainfall from 5-8 inches since this started last night, and it's still coming down hard here outside of Downsville. The farm rain gauge broke the other day so I do not know what we have received here, but it's a lot of rain.

There are reports of flooded roads in Menomonie and roads that are either flooded or washed out throughout the area. If you see a road that is blocked off the police really mean it. Save yourself and the emergency services people a lot of grief and believe that the road really is closed. And if you cannot actually see the surface of a road, you do not want to drive on it. Flash flooding has been reported in Colfax, Ellsworth, and Baldwin this morning.

There were numerous reports of power outages in Dunn County this morning, but the outage maps for Excel Energy and Dunn County Electric Co-op indicate that almost everyone has had their power restored at this time.

The good news is that the rain should subside very soon. Unfortunately, after it moves out it will be followed by high humidity and warmer weather, with comfort levels in the 90's. People who are susceptible to heat should take precautions.

Updated info from Eau Claire:Chippewa River Update
Monday, June 29, 2020

Showers and thunderstorms that moved through Wisconsin early this morning and additional forecasted heavy rain will result in increased levels on the Chippewa River in Eau Claire.

At 8 a.m. the Chippewa River gauge at Grand Avenue read just over 761 feet, which is 12 feet below the flood stage reading of 773 feet.  

The current crest projection is for just over 764 feet tomorrow.  At this level the river will have entered our Action stage and, as a safety measure, the following areas are closed effective immediately:

• Chippewa River Trail - behind the UW-Eau Claire Fine Arts Building 
• Chippewa River Trail - at the boat landing behind Hobbs Ice Arena

The City will continue to monitor the river closely and additional areas of the trail system will be closed as necessary for safety.   

What Residents Can Do

Stay Safe

When rivers are at an increased level they can contain debris and generate currents that are stronger, faster, and more unpredictable than normal which makes recreational use of the river unsafe. 

Stay Informed

Sign up for Rave Alerts – a free service that will provide emergency messages for Eau Claire County, the City of 
Eau Claire, and the City of Altoona to you via text, recorded message, email, or all three.  To register visit GetRave.com/login/Eau-Claire and click “Register” in the upper right of the site. 

Get email updates through the City of Eau Claire website at EauClaireWI.gov. Under “Our City” look for e-Notifications.

Further information is available by contacting the City of Eau Claire, Department of Community Services 715-839-4649.  

There are now reports of a death in Baldwin from the floods. A person from Emerald attempted to drive into a flooded road area and his car filled with water He was rescued but declared dead at the hospital.

It's summer in Wisconsin. Stay safe.



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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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