Note that WisCommunity will not be providing live streams of the school board meetings for the time being since the board is meeting in person and we have decided that we will no longer attend in-person government meetings until the pandemic subsides. We will attempt to capture the live stream provided by the school district and post it here later.


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call and Quorum

C. Agenda Order and Approval/Revision

D. Recommendation and Commendations

E. Community Communications

F. Board Member/Superintendent Communications


A. Action to Approve Personnel Actions

1. Employment of Justin Schunemann, Energy Manager, beginning December 10, 2020. (added 11/20/2020)

Passed unanimously


A. Approve New Course Proposals for 2021-2022

Passed unanimously - this was mostly name changes for programs already in place.

B. Approve Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $11,670,000 Taxable (Convertible to Tax-Exempt) General Obligation Refunding Bonds

Passed unanimously


A. COVID-19 Report

There have been 112 student cases since Sept.1. 16 are currently active. There have been 42 cases in staff, and all but 2 are recovered.

The number of staff excluded has been dropping over the last few weeks. There is a new Safer at Home on-line option for K-8 students, and that is being implemented.

The free meals for kids program continues. Unless there is a big change in circumstances the district's plan is fairly well set until Jan. 22.

There was a discussion about the issues with winter sports and how the teams would be cohorted to attempt to limit exposure. There will be no visiting spectators at sports, only parents of the players. This will be the case through the conference.

B. Discuss 2021-2022 Budget Plan & Timeline

C. Set Date and Format for Mid-Year Budget Hearing

It will take place at 5 PM Jan 11.

D. Review Extracurricular Staff Contract Requests

E. Items Related to Next Meeting Dates, Board Committees, and Reports

One meeting on Dec. 14, which will be the last meeting for the year. There will be no Dec. 28 meeting unless there is a serious issue to discuss.


A. Action to Adjourn

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Steve Hanson

Steve is a web designer and recently retired from running the hosting and development company Cruiskeen Consulting LLC. Eye On Dunn County is now published by Eye On Dunn County LLC, and publication of this site continues after his retirement.

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley



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