“PUBLIC ACCESS”NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting is being held in person and via Zoom Teleconference /Video Conferenceor, over the internet by going to https://zoom.us/join(URL forZoom meeting), or by calling 1 312 626 6799.The Access Code for the meeting is84088808790.

Individuals appearing in person will be seated in the Council Chambers, subject to the social distancing rules.Space available will be on a first come, first served basis.All public participants’ phones and computers will bemuted during the meeting except during public comment. Recordings of previous meetings are available on theCity of Menomonie’s website.NOTE: Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities. For additional information or to request the service, contact the City Clerk or the City Administrator at 232-2180.

1.Roll Call & Special Recognitions

2.Approval of Minutes

3.Public Hearings

A.Proposed resolution petitioning the Wisconsin Secretary of Transportation for airport improvement projects at the Menomonie Municipal Airport

There were no public comments to the hearing or the normal public comments period.

4.Public Comments

5.Unfinished Business

A.See 3A above –discussion and possible resolution adoption

The resolution was adopted, including funding a new master plan for the airport.

6.New Business

A.Presentation by the Housing Authority of the City of Menomonie of their 2020 payments in lieu of taxes –discussion and possible motion accepting

Accepted unanimously.

B.Proposed resolution establishing February 16, 2021 as the date for a possible primary election –discussion and possible resolution adoption

If a primary is needed it will take place on Feb. 16.

C.Proposed contract extensionwith Menomonie Disposal Systems, LLC for Solid Waste and Recycling disposal and pickup services through December 31, 2025 –discussion and possible motion approving

This extends the current contract which runs through 2023.  A new RFP will go out in 2025.

D.Proposed resolution authorizing an intergovernmental agreement for the establishment of the Chippewa-St Croix Rail Commission –discussion and possible resolution adoption

Eau Claire has adopted this resolution and are looking for support from other area municipalities. The council adopted the motion.

E.Appointments to various Boards and Commissions including Police& FireandMain Street–discussion and possible motions of appointment. appontments were accepted.

F.Budget Transfers

7.Mayor’s Report

The winter wonderland is now open. The mayor asked for volunteers to help out.

The mayor is working on a set of goals for 2021 and is looking for input.

The ambulances now have power lifts for patients paid for with the COVID funds.

The ice skating rinks will be flooded soon - perhaps this week, depending on the weather.

There may be an additional ice skating rink set up at the Senior Center.

8.Communications and Miscellaneous Business

9.Claims   -


A.Normal license list

11.Closed Session–None

12. Return to Open Session

13.Adjourn - adjourned at 7:33 PM.


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