Audio file


 In accordance with the provisions of Section 19.84, Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby given that a public meeting of the DUNN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS will be held on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 54 of the Dunn County Government Center, 3001 US Highway 12 East in Menomonie, Wisconsin. The building entrance for public meetings is on the lower level of the Government Center and will be open 30 minutes ahead of the meeting start time. 

A video recording of the meeting will be available for subsequent viewing on the Dunn County YouTube channel at the following link:

Persons wishing to provide public comment may do so at the meeting or may submit written comments by sending an email beforehand to [email protected] 

Items of business to be discussed or acted upon at this meeting are listed below: 


1. Call to Order 

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

3. Call of the roll 

4. Approval of the Minutes from May 15, 2024 Meeting

Minutes approved by voice vote

 5. Presentations of Petitions, Memorials, and Other Communications 

There were none

6. Public Comment 

The council voted to allow public comment on item B3  - suspending the rule that would to allow comment because there already has been a public meeting.

The meeting room was very full, mostly with people who wanted to speak on the resettlement of immigrants in the county or to speak about the Accessory Dwelling Unit amendment. 

Many comments were made on the issue of immigrant resettlement despite it not being on the agenda. Please reference the audio and (later) video recordings. The comments asked for a resolution to stop resettlement until a study is done on the effects on the local area. Other concerns were raised about the costs of taking in refugees.

A comment was made supporting the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) amendment to be discussed later, except for adding a rule to give more control to local governments. 

Another comment was made regarding the ADU resolution, asking again for more control for special exceptions for town oversight, and askinin regard tog that the amendment be sent back to PRDC for further consideration.

A petition was presented to the board asking for a moratorium on refugee resettlement. It was claimed that the petition has 47 pages of signatures.

Bill Hogseth, representing GROWW asked for careful attention to the housing crisis in the county, and to support the ADU amendment.

Many emails were read in support of the ADU amendment.

7. Appointments 

The appointments in the packet were approved by voice vote.

8. Report of County Manager 

A. Purchase Orders Over $40,000 

B. Mandated vs Non-Mandated Service Information 

Ms. Korpela, County Manager, spoke about this topic, much of which is covered in the video she did introducing the meeting (displayed above).

9. Reports of Departments: Environmental Services and Health Department 

The reports in the attached county board packet were presented by respective department representatives (

Environmental Services:

Chase Cummings spoke about the well-monitoring program in the county and the results. Tom Carlson, County Surveyor, presented the report on the Survey Division, featuring Regulated Land Divisions. A report was done on the Land Use Control Division by Anne Wodarczyk.

Health Department:

KT Gallagher presented the health department report. She spoke primarily about Environmental Health. 


10. Consideration of Reports, Resolutions, and Ordinances to the County Board from the Executive Committee: 

A. Resolution Authorizing G.O. Note Parameters 

This involves borrowing that was authorized last fall to keep the budget in balance. It passed by voice vote. 

B. Resolution Approving 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan 

The plan had a few changes since the initial proposal. The current plan would not require any borrowing but would max out the current fund balance. and remaining  ARPA funds, fees, and other sources of funds. 

The resolution passed by voice vote. 

C. Budget Adjustment – Human Services, Health Department, Land & Water Conservation and Highway 

The budget adjustment was approved by roll call vote unanimously.

D. Resolution Approving MOU for Trail Acquisition – Land and Water Conservation 

 The acquisition is described in the packet -- it is a chance for Landmark Conservancy to take over 1.5 miles of the land currently owned by Exel Energy from Durand into Dunn County. The county has been unable to purchase this land, so Landmark will help to purchase the land and the trail will be maintained. This is an approval of the MOU and grant process, but not an actual approval for the purchase. 

The motion passed by voice vote. 

E. Resolution - Opioid Settlement 

Passed by voice vote.

11. Consideration of Reports, Resolutions, and Ordinances coming to the County Board from the Standing Committees: 


A. Committee on Administration 

1. Resolution for One Time Vacation Pay Down for 911 

Passed by voice vote. 

2. Resolution Amending Inventory of Job Classifications- IT Department 

Passed by voice vote. 

3. Resolution Adopting Policy on Policies 

Passed by voice vote.

B. Planning, Resources & Development 

1. Ordinance Rezone: Pelnar 

Passed by voice vote.

2. Ordinance Rezone: Holerud 

Passed by voice vote. 

3. Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Amendment – Accessory Dwelling Units (First Reading) 

This item was moved above item 10 to be considered early.

A motion was made to move this back to the PRND committee to consider making it a special exception (or conditional user) giving township governments more control over whether ADU's could be approved. Objections were made by several supervisors who serve on the PRD committee. After considerable debate the question on the motion to refer back was called, and a vote was taken. The motion to refer back failed 17 to 9, so the motion failed and the first reading stayed on the floor and will be further discussed at the next meeting. 

12. Announcements: Next Regular County Board Meeting, July 31, 2024 7:00 pm 

13. Adjournment 

Adjourned at 10:16 PM

 -Kelly McCullough, Chairperson By: Kristin Korpela County Manager Upon reasonable notice, the County will make efforts to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through sign language, interpreters or other auxiliary aids. For additional information or to request the service, contact the County Human Resources Manager at 715-232-2429 (Office), 715-232-1324 (FAX) or 715-231-6406 (TDD) or by writing to the Human Resources Manager, Human Resources Department, 3001 US Hwy 12 E, Suite 225, Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751.


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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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