Steve Hanson

Those of you subscribed to our daily email list may have been surprised the last few days to see every article listed twice. Believe me, I was as bewildered as you were. This morning, though, I realized the error of my ways. This should now be fixed. I am still trying to get the hang of the transition from Mailchimp to Mailerlite.

Another project in the queue is a re-branding of WisCommunity. You can look forward to seeing a small contest to gather ideas for a new name. WisCommunity made sense in the first iteration of this website, when it was designed to be a state-wide discussion network.  Since the general opinion was that nobody needed this because Facebook exists (I still think that was the wrong way to look at things) the discussion aspect never really took off. Over the years the site has transitioned to being a news source with almost no discussion. The new website is a realization of the fact that the site's mission is now completely different, and is filling the news desert that Dunn County has become. With the changed mission it is time for a new name and brand. Watch this space - there'll be more information soon.

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