Article submitted by Joyce Uhlir

Joyce Uhlir

My name is Joyce Uhlir and I am announcing my candidacy for the SDMA (Menomonie Area)
School Board. If elected, I will work for safer schools, parental rights, and academics over
agendas. Joyce is your voice.

My family and I moved to Menomonie in 2007, so my husband, Jim, could take a job as the
safety director at UW-Stout. Our three children (now grown) were mostly homeschooled but
participated in some classes and programs through the school district. One daughter
graduated from MHS in 2016.

I have been attending SDMA School Board meetings regularly for the last five years and
asking many questions. I stumbled upon some pretty sexually explicit, age-inappropriate
library books in the schools and was repeatedly ignored when bringing this to the Board's

Having been bullied myself in middle school, I am concerned about frequent rumors of
student-against-student physical violence in the SDMA.

Also, according to the state of Wisconsin, only about 40% of students in the whole district are
testing at a “proficient” level in English and math. 25% test at “below basic!” How do we still
have a graduation rate of 92%?

A recent attempt by several SDMA Board members to shut down public comment was the
final straw that resulted in my candidacy.

I would like to hear from community members about your experiences with the SDMA, good
and bad, as I strive to understand the big picture of what is happening in our schools.
Menomonie public schools desperately need a new listening voice – a new action voice.
Please vote for me, Joyce Uhlir, on April 1st. Joyce is your voice.

[email protected]


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Roxie Lamb (not verified)

Thank you.  I'm not in favor of book banning but feel the purchase person should be held accountable for age appropriate books . There is too much trash to see and read online that schools have no control over.     So one way or another they will get it in my opinion, schools should not be the parent's.  

Anonymous (not verified)

Please provide a list of the books you find objectionable.

Anon (not verified)

Joyce is not my voice!

Joyce Uhlir (not verified)

This is a document which I submitted to the SDMA Board and administration in 2023. Some access to these titles has changed since then but not much. Read it and decide for yourself.  Joyce

Susietta (not verified)

Thanks Joyce, 

You know who I am (not verified)

In a weird way, I should thank you, because as I was thinking of a response, I said something out loud that reminded me of something, and I think you need to hear it- gay people exist. Sexual assault, abuse, and child abuse/assault exists. And getting rid of books that explore these topics doesn't make them go away, it just makes it harder for both victims and people confused about their sexuality to be able to find resources to help them, or to be able to identify with the characters in these books. I could spend all day arguing with you on this, (and yeah maybe don't read something featuring a child being sold into prostitution to a one year old) but like it or not, what I said earlier happens. If a kid is being hurt, or assaulted, or abused, or god even just doesn't know if they like boys or girls, and they're unable to trust their family (because parents abuse kids too sometimes!), what are they going to turn to? Things like the internet or BOOKS. I'm going to try and be nice, but if I'm honest with myself, I'm done arguing with people like you. I know what kind of person you are. You know who I am. 

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