Dunn County update - continued very high rates of transmission in our county and increasingly the others in the Chippewa Valley. Please consider getting rapid testing before gathering with others this Thanksgiving, even if you are fully vaccinated. Also keep your gatherings small to reduce risk. Our hospitals are strained because they are not only seeing a lot of COVID cases (and will likely see more in the coming weeks due to the baked-in delay) but are also seeing a lot of the usual winter-time increase due to other medical problems - this wasn't the case last year, when other respiratory illnesses were quite rare. Flu activity is starting to increase across the state, so if you have not yet had your flu shot, please get that as well as your COVID booster if you haven't already.Stay safe, everyone. We're still in the thick of it.


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Alexandra Hall, MD

Alexandra Hall M.D. – Dr. Hall earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Science Education from New York University, taught high school in East Harlem, and then earned her M.D. from Mount Sinai School of Medicine. 

She then completed a residency in Family Practice and served as Chief Resident at the University of Vermont.  After practicing medicine for Dean Health System in Wisconsin and then at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, Dr. Hall moved to Menomonie, WI to work at UW Stout, where she currently teaches for the Biology department and serves as a physician at Student Health Services. 

Dr. Hall has a passion for educating people about health and science; she gives workshops regionally and nationally on various medical topics to both lay and professional audiences and has won several teaching awards for her work.


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