Dunn County officials invite residents to help shape the county’s future by guiding decisions on land use, infrastructure and community priorities for the next 20 years.
“This is an opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been, where we are now and where we want to go,” said Tammy Traxler, Dunn County Planner and Zoning Administrator, about the newly launched effort to update the county’s Comprehensive Plan. “The public’s input is crucial as we update our Comprehensive Plan and Farmland Preservation Plan.”
State law requires each county to develop a 20-year comprehensive plan — updated every 10 years — to document current conditions such as population trends, land use, development pressures, natural resources, and infrastructure.
Traxler said the plan covers key areas, including land use, transportation, housing, economic development, natural and cultural resources, utilities and community facilities. By integrating these elements, she said, it creates a framework that brings everything together for decision-making and ensures local policies align with the county’s long-term vision.
Officials said the plan serves as a guide for local decision-making rather than imposing new regulations or programs.
The plan's agricultural component will update the county’s Farmland Preservation Plan to protect farmland, support local agriculture and preserve Dunn County’s rural character.
“A comprehensive plan serves as a foundational policy document that guides the long-term physical, social, and economic development of a community,” Traxler said. “For Dunn County, this plan is essential to ensure coordinated growth, preservation of natural resources, and the well-being of its residents.”
The West Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission is assisting the county with data collection and analysis, coordinating public engagement activities, drafting plan components, and providing other essential resources.
The update process is expected to take about 18 months, with completion anticipated by mid-2026. This timeline ensures a thorough, inclusive process that includes research, community engagement, drafting and review, Traxler said.
Traxler said there will be many ways for the public to contribute to this plan update, including:
Community surveys to share thoughts through online and paper surveys to guide priorities
Pop-up meetings offering informal engagement sessions at local events and community spaces
Public meetings and workshops to learn more, ask questions and provide direct input; and county staff are available to attend events to discuss the plan and hear ideas.
To invite county staff to a community event, email [email protected]
For more information and to provide feedback, visit https://dunncountywi.gov/compplan and follow the process on social media.
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