MENOMONIE, WI (October 2023) – The City of Menomonie will be picking up yard waste and brush curbside on the following dates: October 16, October 23, October 30 and November 6, 2023. Leaves, grass clippings and garden debris need to be placed in paper compostable bags not exceeding 50 pounds per bag. Brush must be bundled and not exceed four feet in length.

All materials for pickup must be placed curbside no sooner than one day before the collection and no later than 7:00 am on pickup day. Nothing will be picked up in the alley. If your regular garbage collection day falls on the same day as the city pickup, please segregate your garbage from the yard waste pickup items.

City residents may also bring yard waste and brush to the City Solid Waste Site located at 1601 Gilbert Creek Road on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm and Saturdays from 7:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Raking leaves helps to protect water quality in Menomonie. Leaves are a significant source of phosphorus pollution and contribute to algal blooms in our local lakes and rivers. Please do your part to help keep leaves off of our streets and out of our storm drains.

Leaves picked up during the curbside pickup and those dropped off at the City Solid Waste Site are composted. Finished compost is available for residents at the City Solid Waste Site during the site’s open hours as quantities last. Compost is available on a first come, first serve basis and residents need to load their own containers.

Questions about the curbside leaf and brush pickup can be directed to Dave Frank, Community Services Superintendent for the City of Menomonie at 715-232-2221, ext 1501 or [email protected].


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