Pledge of Allegiance

1. Roll Call & Special Recognitions

2. Approval of Minutes including December 5 and October 3, 2022
3. Public Hearings - none
4. Public Comments

There were no public comments.
5. Unfinished Business - none
6. New Business
A. Proposed amendment to the Oct 3, 2022 meeting minutes - discussion and possible motion authorizing. 

Credit for the Wolske Bay lights and decorations was given to the 3M Club, but the work was actually done by Menomonie Community Lights Display, a new non-profit. This change was changed unanimously.

B. Proposed Wolske Bay Ribbon Cutting and open house special event on December 22, 2022
– discussion and possible motion authorizing

The ribbon cutting and open house is being postponed a week till the 29th due to the near-blizzard weather coming later this week.  The event was approved unanimously.

C. Presentation of the 2023 Bond Construction Fund capital budget – discussion and possible
motion approving (Dec 6, 2021 comments)

Lowell Prange spoke about the budget for this. These projects and budgeting will be attached below. The budget was approved by the council by voice vote.

D Proposed resolution to authorize an application for a grant through WEDC for the Library –
discussion and possible motion authorizing

Jolene Stark (library director) appeared to answer questions, the grant application was approved by the council. This is a WEDC Vibrant Spaces Grant to develop a plan for further development of the library space - a multi-phase plan to develop for Music over Menomin and other library programs, gathering, and other purposes. Part of this plan will involve determining community needs.  It was approved unanimously by voice vote. 

E. Review of recommended Inspection and Recreation Departments 2023 revised fee schedules
– discussion and possible motion of action

The proposal was to raise recreation fees by a small amount. The details will be attached below.  The proposal was passed unanimously by a voice vote.

F. Budget Transfers

There were two transfers within the fire department, and a transfer to pay for the Wolske Bay ribbon-cutting ceremony on the 29th which had not been previously funded. The transfers were approved unanimously.

7. Mayor’s Report

The mayor promoted the Red Cedar Watershed Conference on March 9, 2023. The theme this year is climate change. 

Winter Wonderland is now up and open - There will be hot dogs and hot chocolate. 

The Wolske Bay lights and decorations have been very popular and the parking lot is often full. Skates are available for free. 

Randy Eide is retiring - a party will be held for him on Jan. 11 and his retirement is in effect on Jan 13, 2023.


8. Communications and Miscellaneous Business

Non-candidacy forms are due Dec. 23 for city council members. Signatures and candidacy papers must be received by Jan. 3 for the April 4 election. 

Menomonie remains a bronze-level bike community. More work will need to take place to advance to a higher level. 

The issue of the corner by the credit union was raised in view of last week's semi-trailer accident. There currently is a barrier in place to prevent making that turn. There will be a no right turn sign and there is a plan to remove that turn.  

Mayor Knaack has been discussing making Project Hope state-wide with the governor. There will be more discussion after Jan. 1. 
9. Claims

The bills were approved unanimously for payment.

10. Licenses

A. Normal license list

The license list was approved by voice vote.
11. Closed
12. Return to Open Session
13. Adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 7:38 PM.

City of Menomonie
800 Wilson Ave
1st Floor

NOTE: Members of the public may continue to view City Council meetings via Zoom Teleconference /Video
Conference or, over the internet by going to (URL for Zoom meeting), or by calling
1 312 626 6799. The Access Code for the meeting is 867 4356 8760. Please note: this is for viewing purposes
ONLY. If you wish to participate, you must appear in person at the meeting.
NOTE: Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities.
For additional information or to request the service, contact the City Clerk or the City Administrator at 232-2221.


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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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