(Per Wis. Stat. § 19.84(2))




MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2022, 5:30 P.M.

Members of the public are welcome to provide comments to the Board during the Community Communications item listed on the agenda. In-person community communications will be allowed at Monday’s meeting, but comments may also be provided in writing. Please submit your written comments or your request to be placed on the schedule for providing virtual comments by emailing [email protected] by 3:00 p.m. on Monday, March 7, 2022.



A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call and Quorum

C. Pledge of Allegiance and Reading of Mission Statement

D. Agenda Order and Approval/Revision

E. Recommendations and Commendations

F. Student Representative Communications

G. Community Communications

H. Revenue and Expenditure Reports for the Month Ended February 2022

I. Monthly Employment Report (February 2022)


A. Action to Approve Consent Agenda

1. Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Electors of January 10, 2022, and Regular Meeting of February 14, 2022

2. Financial Reports for February 2022

3. Donations Exceeding $1,000 for February 2022


A. Action to Approve Personnel Consent Agenda

1. Resignations/Retirements

2. Requests to Hire


A. Approve CESA 10, Shared Services Contract 2022-2023

B. Approve CESA 11, Shared Services Contract 2022-2023

C. Approve Addition of MHS Sports Complex Project to the Long-Term Capital Improvement Plan

The Board will consider approving Phase 3 of the MHS Sports Complex and adding the project to the SDMA Long-Term Capital Improvement Plan. The sports complex addition to the high school campus has provided opportunities for a large number of students, staff, and community members who use the complex for a range of academic, extra-curricular, and recreational activities that occur both during and outside of the school day. Collaborating with UW Stout continues to be a good solution for varsity football, but there is a real need for expanded spectator capacity at MHS for soccer, track, and lower-level football events. The current seating arrangement at the MHS Sports Complex is not adequate for parents and fans, and the lack of a press box and suitable bathroom facilities has been problematic. When spectator restrictions were implemented at UW Stout during the 2020 football season, the school district did not have a suitable alternative for hosting a varsity football game. Completing Phase 3 would provide the district with an emergency alternative for hosting larger events with limited capacity and make it much more likely that all parents would still be able to attend events.  The SDMA maintenance department has done a great job improving the playing surface at the sports complex, but the natural grass turf limits how much the field can be used. The grass takes such a beating that the number of events held on the field needs to be limited mostly to games only for soccer and the lower-level football teams. The MHS physical education teachers have also been limited in their use of the grass field for PE classes, and even with the field not being used for practices, a lot of work is needed to regrow the grass each year. Because of the durability and safety profile of artificial turf, many schools in the BRC conference (and across the state) have installed artificial turf on their football/soccer fields (see WIAA list). The Board could consider designating long-term capital improvement funding (Fund 46) to address the needed improvements at the MHS Sports Complex. Phase 3 of the MHS Sports Complex includes bleachers (not more than 1000 seats), press box, bathrooms/concessions, and artificial turf. Phase 3 is projected to cost $2.632 million if the construction is completed during the 2022-2023 school year. The updated cost estimates were provided at no charge to the district from the project engineer who developed the original plans for all phases of the MHS Sports Complex (Point of Beginning). The final budget figure for Phase 3 (which accounts for inflation) was provided by SDMA Director of Buildings and Grounds Kevin Tomaszewski. While the steps included in Phase 3 of the MHS Sport Complex could fit into a design for future growth of the complex, it is not recommended that the SDMA replicate a large stadium solution on the MHS campus (for varsity football) as long as arrangements at UW Stout continue to be favorable for the school district. Attached is a conceptual design for Phase 3 provided by Point of Beginning, and additional background information provided by Board members Schneider and Palmer.


A. Clerk’s Report of the Results of the 2022 Primary School Board Election

B. Results of Due Process Complaint

In January, the District was involved in a due process hearing related to the need for COVID-19 mitigation protocols for a special education student in the SDMA.  At parents’ request, the due process hearing was open to the public.   On March 1, 2022, the District was pleased to learn that the administrative law judge in that matter ruled in favor of the District on all issues.  Specifically, the judge determined that:


1.         A previous agreement resolved the Parents’ claim that the District denied the Student a free, appropriate public education from September 1, 2021 to January 10, 2022;


2.         The Student’s current IEP is reasonably calculated to provide her with a free, appropriate public education, and the District has not failed to provide the Student with a free, appropriate public education by not implementing in her school building the specific COVID-19 mitigation measures requested by the Parents; and


3.         The District did not commit any procedural violations that resulted in or constituted a denial of a free, appropriate public education.

  WEAU covered the story on March 2, 2022. WQOW ran this story about the ruling on March 2, 2022. Wiscommunity also covered the story on March 2, 2022. 



C. Review 2022-2023 MHS Course Recommendations

Annually the Board reviews the MHS administration's recommendations for courses not to run and courses to run with enrollments of less than 15 students. Initial recommendations for the 22-23 school year will be shared with the school board. Final updated numbers will be shared with the Board at the next meeting and it is expected that the Board will take action at that time. - Brian Seguin

D. Review Early College Credit Program Requests for Fall 2022

In alignment with Pillar 1 of the SDMA Strategic Plan 2019-2024, the Board will hear an update and review Early College Credit Requests for Summer and Fall of 2022. It is not uncommon for individual students to make multiple requests for college credits based on the unknown of what courses are available at the university level.  Students may take up to two courses. High School Principal Casey Drake will be in attendance to answer questions that the Board might have.


According to Board Policy 343.46, "High school students, grades 9-12, who meet the eligibility requirements defined in applicable statutes, regulations, and District policies, and who submit timely and complete applications and notices, may be permitted to enroll in one or more courses at an institution of higher education (IHE) through the Early College Credit Program."

Within the SDMA we continue to observe a large number of students requesting multiple courses beyond the number they are permitted to take as part of this program.  It has been determined that this is being done in large part to ensure that students have backup options available should the class(es) they request at UW Stout or CVTC be full. - Brian Seguin


  • Fall 2022 - 131 requests by 30 students

  • Summer 2022 - 9 requests by 5 students

  • Fall 2021 - 157 requests by 32 students

  • Summer 2021 - 6 requests by 2 students

  • Spring 2021 - 219 requests by 26 Students

  • Fall 2020 - 161 requests by 18 Students

  • Summer 2020 - 62 requests by 4 Students

  • Spring 2020 - 87 requests by 15 Students

  • Fall 2019 - 69 requests by 15 Students

  • Spring 2019 - 35 requests by 10 students

  • Fall 2018 - 30 requests by 10 students

  • Spring 2018 - 37 requests by 7 students

  • Fall 2017 - 47 requests by 12 students

E. Review 2022-2023 Early Budget Estimate

The Board will review the early budget estimate for the 2022-2023 school year. Attached is a copy of the 2022-23 budget building timeline that was shared with the Board in November. 

SMDA business manager Leah Theder will discuss the budget on Monday, but here are her notes related to the preliminary budget:


The 2022-23 budget is in process and we are in the second year of the state’s biennial budget. Due to it being impossible to accurately anticipate several of the key factors surrounding the budget beyond 2022-23, it is typical for the long range forecast to demonstrate a significant surplus or deficit.


Please note that the preliminary budget estimate for 2022-2023 currently shows a deficit of $1,621,307 but that does not include the remaining balance of approximately $4.5M of the Covid-19 grant funds. As you know, budgetary plans are currently underway to identify and expend these funds by the 2024 deadline. The state’s biennial budget provided no per pupil categorical aid increase and no per pupil increase in the revenue cap calculation for 2021-22 or 2022-23. The remaining assumptions being made in this year’s early budget projections include, a slight decrease (-12 FTE) in enrollment, increase of 11.2 FTE voucher and special needs voucher exemptions, an increase in transfer of service, contingency remaining the same as last year ($250,000), Fund 46 transfer remaining the same as last year ($810,000), and continuation of site dollars for teacher supplies.


Decisions regarding next year’s staffing plan, level of compensation, insurance increases, transportation contract, etc., have yet to be decided. At this point the assumptions being made in this early estimate include: 4.7% for salaries and benefits, utilities (40% gas, 4% electricity, 3% all others), 4.7% transportation, and 3.5% for property/liability insurance, etc.


F. Discuss SDMA Employee Compensation for 2022-2023

According to the Wisconsin Association of School Boards, the average change in the Consumer Price Index used for collective bargaining over base wages is 4.70%, which would equate to $1,021,121 in new compensation expenses in the SDMA for the 2022-2023 school year. While the district is not bound by the CPI, it has been the measure considered when planning the preliminary budget and determining employee compensation increases for the past several years.  When the CPI was low in previous years, and when the compensation plans were modified, the Board approved additional funding beyond the CPI to ensure that all steps were provided, employees were treated fairly, and that compensation remained competitive. Since 2010, the school district has eclipsed the CPI by 1.88%, not counting longevity, summer school incentives, and other pay scale adjustments. During the past two years, the SDMA has provided pay increases .77% above the CPI (see attached spreadsheet). When the Board approved compensation beyond the CPI during the past two years, Board members commented on the possibility of factoring in the excess increases if there was a significant increase to inflation. Applying the .77% that was paid beyond the CPI over the past two years would result in a cost of living increase for all salary/wage schedules and contracts of 3.93% ($853,868). 


It has been the practice in the SDMA to calculate staff compensation changes by using the Board-approved increase to first pay for any steps earned by SDMA employees. Any remaining dollars beyond the step increases are then factored across the entire pay schedule for that particular employee group.


Applying the full CPI (4.7%) to the modified teacher salary scale in 2022-2023 would result in all step movements being fully paid and each cell on the salary schedule increasing $1,635. Starting teacher pay in 2022-2023 would increase to $42,600 and pay at the top end of the SDMA teacher salary schedule would increase to $75,100 (not including any additional longevity incentives, coaching/advising/summer school pay, etc.). Returning teachers with an "effective" evaluation or better will see between a $2,135-$3,135 increase in 22-23 depending on placement on the salary schedule. 


Applying the same 4.7% increase to the hourly pay scale (see attached) would result in pay for hourly step movements plus an in increase of $0.71/hour for all hourly wages. Most hourly employees who earn a step would see an annual compensation increase of approximately $1,979-$2,336. Pay for hourly employees who already received steps would be approximately $963-$1,136. Hourly pay across the district would range between $15.71-$29.69/hour depending on experience level and employment classification.


Applying the adjusted CPI (3.93%) to the modified teacher salary scale in 2022-2023 would result in all step movements being fully paid and each cell on the salary schedule increasing $1,205. Starting teacher pay in 2022-2023 would increase to $42,170 and pay at the top end of the SDMA teacher salary schedule would increase to $74,670 (not including any additional longevity incentives, coaching/advising/summer school pay, etc.). Returning teachers with an "effective" evaluation or better will see between a $1,705-$2,705 increase in 22-23 depending on placement in the salary schedule. 


Applying the same 3.93% increase to the hourly pay scale (see attached) would result in pay for hourly step movements plus an in increase of $0.57/hour for all hourly wages. Most hourly employees who earn a step would see an annual compensation increase of approximately $1,790-$2,112. Pay for hourly employees who already received steps would be approximately $773-$912. Hourly pay across the district would range between $15.57-$29.55/hour depending on experience level and employment classification.


Wages in the SDMA are competitive in the region, and with the cost of district health insurance premiums in the SDMA frozen for the fifth year in a row, compensation increases should once again result in higher take-home pay for SDMA employees. It is unclear what other school districts in the region will be providing for salary increases, but most area superintendents indicate that recommendations will mostly likely center around the CPI.


As part of a three-year rotating process, the SDMA HR department reviewed comparable teacher salaries from across the region during the 2021-2022 school year. The review of comparables confirmed that the SDMA continues to offer competitive teacher salaries. In alignment with the original design of the salary scale, teacher salaries in the SDMA generally compare a bit lower in the non-masters lane and higher in the masters lane. Currently, 73% of the contracted teachers in the SDMA already have their master's degree, but it is recommended that the 2022-2023 district work plan include the formation of a committee to explore how the district could provide alternative ways for other teachers to enter the masters lane in future years. It is also recommended that the teacher salary scale be modified to eliminate the first three steps of the scale and add three steps to the end of the scale over the next three years. This will help ensure that beginning and top-end salaries stay competitive, and it will help ensure that all teachers receive steps during the next three years.


Recommendations for both the full (4.7%) and adjusted (3.93%) CPI figures have been prepared for the Board to consider. It is also recommended that the expiring longevity incentives (approximately $20,000/year approved by the Board on March 27, 2017 for a five-year period) be made permanent for all staff in order to continue recognition of long-term employees in the SDMA.


The Board will have the opportunity to discuss and provide additional direction related to Employee Compensation in the SDMA for the 2022-2023 school year.


G. Discuss 2022 Summer School Incentive

The SDMA has a long history of offering a robust summer school program and is moving forward with big plans for Summer 2022. Especially after the pandemic challenges during the past two school years and the 2020 school closure, summer programming is one way to support learning enrichment and unfinished learning as a result of the pandemic.  Unfortunately, staffing teaching positions in the summer has been difficult in several districts across the state of Wisconsin, as well as locally within the SDMA.  


In response to the observed staffing shortage for summer school, the SDMA is proposing the following teacher compensation incentive structure for Summer School 2022.


  • Provide a one-time incentive of $250 to SDMA summer school teachers who successfully complete one session of teaching in-person classes (either Session I or Session II).

  • Provide a one-time incentive of $750 to SDMA summer school teachers who successfully complete two sessions of teaching in-person classes (both Session I and Session II).

  • Provide a one-time incentive of $1000 to SDMA summer school teachers who successfully complete two sessions of teaching in-person classes and all August camps (Session I, Session II, Art Camp, Team Camp, and STEAM Camp).


It is anticipated a maximum of 80 teachers will be needed for in-person instruction during Sessions I & II, so the maximum cost of the 2022 Summer School Incentive will be $80,000. If approved, the cost of the 2022 Summer School Staffing Incentive will be funded through ESSER COVID-19 Relief Grant funds.


SDMA Summer School 2022 is scheduled to run on the following dates:

  • Session I

    • June 13 - 16

    • June 20 - 23

    • June 27 - 30

  • Session II

    • July 11 - 14

    • July 18 - 21

  • Summer School Camps

    • Art Camp: July 25 - 29

    • Team Camp: August 1 - 5

    • STEAM Camp: August 8 - 12

H. Review Policy 850, Advertising and Promotion on School Premises

Originator Name: Tanya Husby

Requested Agenda Item: Review Policy ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION ON SCHOOL PREMISES 850Purpose of Agenda Item: Discuss and update policy based on the new agreement 'Just In Live Stream' Description of Agenda Item:  Take a moment to review the policy and be sure it reflects the direction desired by the Board for advertisement  

Below is New Richmond's policy for an example.... 



This policy provides guidance for the appropriate and inappropriate use of advertising or promotion of commercial products or services to the students and parents in the school.


"Advertising" comes in many different categories and forums and is defined as an oral, written or graphic statement made by the producer, manufacturer, or seller of products, equipment, or services which calls for the public's attention to arouse a desire to buy, use or patronize the product, equipment, or services. This includes the visible promotion of product logos for other than identification purposes. Brand names, trademarks, logos or tags for product or service identification purposes are not considered advertising.


It is further the policy of the Board that its name, students, staff members and District facilities shall not be used for any commercial advertising or otherwise promoting the interests of any commercial, political, nonprofit or other non-school agency or organization, public or private, without the approval of the Board or its designee.


Any commercial advertising shall be structured in accordance with the General Advertising Guidelines set forth below.


Any advertising agreements between the District and an outside entity shall be in writing, shall specify all relevant terms, and must be approved by the Board prior to placement of advertisements.


The contracts shall contain at a minimum the following clauses:

  1. District authority over content and placement of advertisement


  2. authority of District administration to view and approve all materials prior to actual placement

The District Administrator shall negotiate all such agreements with the advertiser.


The District Administrator shall prepare administrative guidelines addressing the Criteria for Commercial Messages and the process by which advertising shall be accomplished (see AG 9700B).




From Dr. Zydowsky: SDMA Policy 850, Advertising and Promotion on School Premises


I. Discuss SDMA Curriculum Opt Out Procedures

Name: Tanya HusbyPurpose: Opt Out Discussion - Risk/Challenge/Discussion Description - Inconsistency in handbooks; Clear procedure for families to follow Supporting Information: I would like to see the Opt Out topic discussed at the next Board meeting.  Below are the originating links of where the topic appears to be challenged going back to 2017.  It appears the originating topic was discussed at the May 8, 2017 meeting.  I was fortunate enough to have run into two people who navigated and completed the Opt Out topic in 2017.  Both were firm that there was a form they needed to complete and return to the school administrator.  I understand handbook reviews are not considered right now, but perhaps we can clean up language now and implement steps via our websites for parents to navigate the topic.  I do see the Opt Out explanation of page 14 of the Middle School Student handbook.  I could not locate the Opt Out explanation in the High School handbook.  Is the handbook provided to parents, also? 




J. Review Policy 361, Educational Materials Selection and Evaluation

Name: Tanya HusbyPurpose: Policy 361 - Proposed Policy Changes Description - 2002 policy - outdated and misinforming Supporting Information: Coupled with the above request, a review of Policy 361 would be helpful.  The policy was last revised in 2002.  Perhaps this policy should have been revised in the 2017 timeframe also.  I would like it to identify who the 'professionally-trained personnel' are so that we can be sure we are directing people to the proper leadership.  It also notes 'committees of professionally-trained district personnel'.  Perhaps we should add specifics so families have a clear path to navigate.  A more easily navigated link on the website?   



From Dr. Zydowsky: 

K. Discuss School Board Retreat

WASB Executive Director John Ashley is scheduled to provide a workshop for the Board at a retreat scheduled for 6:00 pm on Monday, June 6, 2022.

L. Items Related to Next Meeting Dates, Board Committees, and Reports


A. Action to Adjourn

The agenda as noted above was posted more than twenty-four hours prior to the meeting date. The most up-todate agenda information is available on the district website. This agenda is posted at the Menomonie Area School District Administrative Services Center, and on the district website at www.sdmanonline.com under the School Board link.



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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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