University of Wisconsin Madison – Division of Extension educators will be offering an online six-session lunch  and learn opportunity this winter designed specifically on finding the good. Beginning Thursday, January 16,  the sessions will meet from noon to 1:00 PM, each Thursday through February 20th, 2025.  

WeCOPE is an evidence-based program that helps adults cope with life stress by connecting with positive  emotions. This program has been shown to increase positive feelings, reduce stress, and improve health  behaviors in randomized trials. 


WeCOPE is based on the work of Dr. Judith Moskowitz, whose research shows that even in the context of  serious life stress, positive emotions can and do occur and these emotions have positive adaptive  consequences. The course includes simple assignments for participants to complete between sessions.  Materials and the class are free thanks to SAMHSA ROTA Grant #1H79TI083277-01. 

This class can be found by scrolling to the state class listing on the UW Extension Health and Wellbeing page,  or by using this link. Materials can be picked up in Eau Claire or Dunn County’s Extension Office. Details,  including the Zoom link, will be provided in an email before the class starts. 

For more information, feel free to reach out to Extension Dunn County’s Human Development and  Relationships Educator, Luisa Gerasimo via phone or email: 715-232-1636, [email protected].

Media release.

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