Facebook and other social media have posted warnings about brushing scams - you receive an unexpected package or gift in the mail that you didn’t order with your address but no indication of who it's from. Inside, there will be a QR code to scan to find out who sent it. The warning states that when you scan the code, all the information on your phone will be sent to scammers. This warning exaggerates the dangers of scanning QR codes. Here is an excellent article from Snopes with more information.

Several weeks ago, a Stout student posted on Facebook looking for information about local paranormal activity in the area for a film she was making. The short documentary is done and available to watch on YouTube.

Save the Date: The Downsville Sportsman's Ice Fishing Contest is scheduled for February 16th.

Free Downtown parking from now until January 26th. From the Downtown Menomonie Facebook page.

45 years ago...

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