Through the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP), West CAP is able to help households with a one-time payment during the heating season (October 1-May 15). More information can be found on their website. If you have any questions you can call (715) 598-4750.
Earlier this month a group of UW-Stout faculty, staff, and students as well as local business partners and community members partnered with the Menomonie Rotary Club's Feeds Program to box over 50,000 meals for Stepping Stones of Dunn County and Feed My People Food Bank. WQOW covered the event; you can watch the clip HERE.
The Menomonie Area Chamber's holiday raffle is back! Drawings start December 2nd and run for selective dates until the 30th. Tickets are available at the Chamber office or from a Board member. Get yours today and support local businesses! From the Menomonie Area Chamber and Visitor's Center Facebook page.
Dunn County Manager Kris Korpela has been doing a video summary of what will be discussed at the upcoming Dunn County Board of Supervisors Monthly Meeting. These are usually posted the afternoon before a meeting, and I don't always get to posting it in a timely manner. Here is her Dunn County YouTube channel.
for the October meeting. Recordings of the meetings can be found on theThe Dunn County Fish and Game recently released their pheasants.
They shared two videos. The
shows how they corral the birds, and the shows the release. Fun videos!September labor data for Wisconsin, which includes the unemployment rate, has just been released. You can find it on WisConomy.
UW-Extension has a library of short parenting videos. You can find them under the Parenting...Behind the Behavior playlist on the UW-Ext. YouTube channel. Shared by Extension Dunn County.
Here's a story from Volume One about the Moon Tree that can be found at the Rassbach Museum.
The Menomonie Fire Department had their annual Fill the Boot Drive for MDA last week. If you missed it, you can still donate HERE.
Adam Accola was recently hired as the Director of Economic Development in Dunn County. Read more about Adam and this new position in the article from Volume One.