7:00 PM
Monday – March 3, 2025
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes

The minutes were approved by voice vote.
3. Public Comments

Naomi Cummings, the new appointee to the Urban Forestry Board, spoke and said she would answer questions.

A representative from ConAgra thanked the city for their prompt response and said about 300 people were out of work for over a week due to the water main break. There was water 3-6 feet deep in the back of the plant. Some spots inside the plant had a few inches of water. 

4. New Business
a. Resolution 2025-02 regarding the ConAgra Water Main Repair Emergency Declaration –
discussion and possible action.

The mayor declared this an emergency and the repair was handled by a private company. Normally this would have been bid out, but this was an emergency. It is a 12 inch water main that ties south and north Menomonie together, but it is on ConAgra property.  Had it not been taken care of properly there would have been city water outages and probably a boil-water order from draining the water towers. The pipe appears to have been damaged by fronst movement. The resolution passed unanimously. 
b. Award Point Comfort Boat Launch and Lift Station Replacement Contract – discussion and
possible action.

This is partly funded by a DNR grant. There were three bidders on the contract. The winning bid was under the budgeted amount. The contract was awarded to Pember Companies at a cost of $653,419.98.

This involves the boat landing, dock, and lift station. This has been worked on for some time, and it is in serious need of repair. The contract was approved unanimously contingent on bonding and insurance. 

c. Approve 2025-2026 Water Management Assistance Program Contract with Carrico Aquatic
Resources, Inc. – discussion and possible action.

This is a contract for chemicals for the Wakanda Water Park. This is a 2-year contract for $19,3000 per year. This does not include filter media or shocking the water if required. The water park will be open longer hours this summer. The contract was approved unanimously. 

d. Proposed Lease with ReforMedicine for office space at City Hall – discussion and possible

This is a 5-year extension of their current lease, at a slightly higher lease rate. They have been heavily used as a medical provider for city employees and others. The lease was approved by voice vote. 

e. Proposed Lease with Community Foundation for office space at City Hall – discussion and
possible action.

This is a 5-year extension of their current lease. It was approved by voice vote. 

f. Proposed Lease with Chippewa Valley Technical College for farm land near Stokke Parkway
– discussion and possible action.

This is for the CVTC Demonstration farm off of Stokke Parkway. This is a $55/acre/year lease which is essentially market value. It is a 10-year lease. This property cannot be developed because of its proximity to the airport. The lease was approved by voice vote.

g. Proposed Investment Fund Policy – discussion and possible action.

It has been recommended that the city keep a fund balance level to handle emergencies and other possibilities. This will help the city in borrowing in the future and improve the city credit rating. The target is 15% of the previous year's costs, and the city is very close to compliance with this currently. If the city achieves a 20% level this opens up more options to the city for one-time purchases and other contingencies. The city is hoping to reach a AA- rating. 

The policy was approved by voice vote.

h. Review of 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Projects – discussion and possible action.

 The recommendations are in the meeting packet. Among other things, this includes drilling Well #9 and building a new police station. 

 The plan was approved by voice vote.

i. Mayoral Appointments to Boards and Commissions – discussion and possible action.
     i. Naomi Cummings, Urban Forestry (new member)

Her appointment was approved by voice vote.

5. Budget Transfers

No budget transfers

6. Mayor’s Report

The mayor mentioned the water breaks recently
7. Communications and Miscellaneous Business

The next meeting will be a week  later than normal. 

Getting into Wakaanda Park will be challenging this summer due to some road work. There will be detours. The Phelan Park project will start in the spring. Disconnect notices for utilities have gone out.

The Red Cedar conference is next week. 

The Humane Society is having a fundraiser at the Mabel Tainter on Saturday. 

8. Claims

At this point the live feed of the meeting dropped. 
9. Licenses
a. Normal license list – discussion and possible action.

10. Closed Session
a. Motion to convene in closed session under Wisconsin Statues 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of
deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or
conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons
require a closed session.
i. Discuss/consider a proposed Pre-Development Agreement with Balloonist, LLC for
industrial development in TID #18.
11. Return to Open Session
a. Motion to reconvene in open session under Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(2).
b. City may take action on items under discussion in closed session and/or report action taken in
closed session, if any.
i. Discuss/consider a proposed Pre-Development Agreement with Balloonist, LLC for
industrial development in TID #18.
12. Adjourn
NOTE: Members of the public may continue to view City Council meetings via Zoom Teleconference /Video Conference or,
over the internet by going to (URL for Zoom meeting), or by calling
1 312 626 6799. The Access Code for the meeting is 843 6817 1008. Please note: this is for viewing purposes ONLY. If you
wish to participate, you must appear in person at the meeting.
NOTE: Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities. For
additional information or to request the service, contact the City Clerk or the City Administrator at 232-2221. 


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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley. He is also currently the Ambassador to Newsrooms Serving Rural Communities with LION Publishers.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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