Eye on Dunn County Logo

Steve Hanson

We're still in the process of hiring people to do freelance reporting or other work for the site. I apologize for those of you who may have tried to use the contact form and could not get past the captcha on the form -- the site re-branding broke it, but it's fixed now. I am shortly going to start doing some training sessions for people interested in writing for the site. 

Comments -- everyone can make comments on the stories on the site. Please feel free to do so.  People who have made accounts on the site and are logged in while they comment will have their comments appear immediately. If you are not logged in the comments go into a moderation queue and will appear when we get around to approving them. This often takes a day or two.

Obituaries are coming real soon now. We're still working out a couple of nits on it, but I expect sometime this week there will be a place to view and place obituaries. We are trying to be less expensive for obituary placement than the other local papers and the obits will go directly into the legacy.com system and will be searchable from any publication using the system.

Some thins slowed down this week due to some family health problems -- I'm hoping this is all working out.

In the meantime, I'm trying to make Eye On Dunn County into a publication that really serves the needs of people in the county for useful information. If you have ideas, or tips, or anything else you'd like us to know, please use the contact form on the site  or send an email to [email protected]

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