Culvert work to result in WIS 85 lane closure in Dunn County

Flaggers will direct motorists through work zone west of Rock Falls

Maintenance crews from the Dunn County Highway Department plan to replace a culvert on WIS 85 about a mile west of Rock Falls.

Weather permitting, the work will take place between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 and is expected to take one day to complete.

WIS 85 will be reduced to a single lane. Motorists will be directed through the work zone by flaggers and could experience some delays.

For more information regarding traffic impacts, transportation news and improvement project updates in Wisconsin’s Northwest Region:

· Follow us on Twitter: @WisDOTnorthwest

· Visit the region’s 511 website:

Motorists are reminded that using handheld cell phones in Wisconsin work zones is illegal. Alerts and updates provided via these sites are not intended for use while driving. When driving, your focus should always be on driving.


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