7:00 PM
Monday – December 16, 2024
Pledge of Allegiance

1. Roll Call & Special Recognitions

Special Recognitions - none
2. Approval of Minutes

3. Public Comments

Mike Jax - representing ConAgra foods, speaking in support of the DAF agreement in item 4b.

Luke Welch - Representative of the  Menomonie Baseball Asscciation, approving pickleball, basketball and other baseball events, facilities in Wakanda park. Batting cages are needed for major repairs, asking for renovations to help increase performance and materials for the baseball club, such as batting cage netting and other materials.

Becky Berens - Hoops club president, same item for 4D. Wants more availability and a court for Menomonie extracurricular basketball. 

Tammy Simon - Director of Tourism at Menonomie Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center. She promoted a goal of attracting more visitors to Menomonie. building economic growth within the city. 

Lori Lewis - Co-president of Menomonie Pickleball Club. Wants to promote growth in pickleball as a sport. 

Sarah Olson representing the North Menomonie Cenex gas station. She is seeking consideration for a better liquor license to serve customers. 

Jeremiah jerden - Asking for TIF funding to remove hazardous material from their building and asking for some money to help in the proposal. The building has had issues with asbestos and lead removal. 

4. New Business

   a. Proposed Development Agreement with TDW Enterprise, LLC (614 Main Street East) –
discussion and possible action.

More creative projects and attempt to renovate the downtown historic district. proposing an agreement to help financing for asbestos, mold, and other health hazards. bringing in more businesses, restaurants, boutiques, and other properties to help build the communities. "worthy of the city to also stick their neck out and help too." The mayor agrees with the proposal; the board asks for suspended time for Jeremiah to explain the proposal. Two apartments that are vacant and unhabitable could change into 2 bedroom apartments. The deck needs to be replaced; the entrance in the front and back of the building need to be renovated and currently makes the basement inaccessible for business. He wamts to attract and retain young professionals so desires to follow the trend with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. So many college students graduate from Menonomie and leave to reside in a different place than their graduate city. Old lake? bar building has tested positive for asbestos. The renovated building will be a fine entry point for people who are visiting  Menonomie. The facade could use improvement. He wants to create a restaurant that is different from the usual bar scene. "Front foot forward for downtown development". 

Motion passed, one abstention. 

   b. Proposed DAF Construction and Maintenance Agreement with ConAgra – discussion and
possible action.

This is a proposal for the city to create a facility to further treat the effluent from the ConAgra (Swiss Miss) plant. 

Creating a DAF facility. ConAgra is paying for the DAF. 7-8 million dollars that ConAgra would pay in monthly installments. The new facility will clean and filter waste water.  Helps further with treatment plant, this will be constructed by the end of 2026. The plant will capture grease and food products so the primary digester will not need to handle this product. 

"Is it purely a ConAgra Facility?"


ConAgra is responsible for the maintenance and continuous future repairs of the proposed plan. 

A tanker trunk will go from one building to the other. The city and ConAgra discussed building a tunnel underground between the two facilites, but there was a concern with "cake batter like" material and colder temperatures underground. 

"Could this be detrimental to our fields and food process?"

The state is lowering the allowable amount of PFAS in the environment. "At this point they are not concerned with that issue and are under the required handling limit of PFAS" 

PFAS is one of the class of what has been called "forever chemicals". 

"ConAgra is a great community contributor, there is no evidence that ConAgra has been hiding the problem, but it is more like a mix-up of communication".

"I don't think it was an oversight, much more like fate". 

"Great asset to the city, and ConAgra is helpful to supporting the Menonomie sewer system"

The motion was passed unanimously.

   c. Approve Engineering Services Task Order with Cedar Corporation for DAF – discussion and
possible action.

This item ties in with item 4b. Since they want to keep control over the plant, they are looking for a local engineer. 

The cost of the order is 661,500 dollars.

The contract pays for a full-time resident inspector, and about a two-year process to see this project out. 

The contract will be paid on a monthly basis

Cedar Corp will be receiving the 661,500 dollars over the 2 year course of construction.

The motion passed unanimously.

 d. Award Pine Avenue Reconstruction Contract – discussion and possible action.

The contract includes a pickleball court, hoops court, and other renovations of Pine Ave. , total reconstruction of roadways, sidewalks, and resurfacing the parking lot. There will be a full-size basketball court, as well as a half-court, and 3 added pickleball courts. The city felt that it was the right time to do both projects at once. Currently, there is a single batting cage, and the project will consolidate those and expand to 4 batting cages, hidden more in the trees against Pine Ave. The budget is 1,403,290 dollars. looking to receive bidders from contractors; might keep contractors local to keep it in Menomonie; state law says they have to go with the lowest bidder. They cannot focus on keeping it local. 

"outstanding job to helping athletes in the city; brings family and money into the area. Get young people off their devices and actually do things in the area." 

Mayor Knaack strongly agrees. 

Alderpson Yonko stated "Appreciate details like sidewalks and walkways, helping with safety and accessibility."

"Pickle-bar courts right now are always full and busy and brings a fun and healthy activity to people of all ages."

"Are we keeping Mitchell's pool open?"

"they have to have an access to both the pool and elementary school, might be some traffic but they do have traffic control". 

"Crosswalks- any plans for flashing crosswalk lights?  Some people drive too fast, but the lights can also be a bigger reminder to drivers?"

"Not proposing RRFB's (flashing crosswalk), 20,000 dollars a piece for the flashing crosswalks and don't feel that people traffic is high enough"

"Worried about kids on the trail falling into traffic."

"Providing a boulevard to separate trail from the street." 

The motion passed unanimously.

   e. Award Leisure Services Center Bathroom Renovation Contract – discussion and possible action.

"needed upgrades to bathroom. the reason why you are seeing a higher quote today is because we are hoping to be prepared for the Americans with Disabilities Act"

The bathrooms will be accessible for people with disabilities in one of the bathrooms. the second proposal would change to single-user bathrooms and be provided with an adult changing table. Families in the area have voiced their concerns. There will be one female, one male, and one unisex bathroom. 

The council recommends one of the bids provided by Durand Builder Services; 86,040 is not all of the funds. 

"An accessible building for everyone in Menomonie."

The motion passed unanimously.

   f. Award City Hall Office Improvement Contracts – discussion and possible action.

This contract includes renovations inside of the City Hall administrative wing. The proposal is  to be able to put desks for staff to work, The inspections department needs more space for employees. The proposal helps the inspection and administrative departments thrive together. The city scavenged together cabinets in the past, hoping for a new and updated look like the  Eau Claire business interior.

The motion passed unanimously.


   g. Award Boulevard Tree Replacement Contract – discussion and possible action.

The city hopes to replace ash trees with other trees that are more long-lasting and better for our environment. They have removed over 600 ash trees within the past 2 years and hope to remove 400 more. 80 ash trees were removed this year. The purchase includes taller trees, looking at bare trees. The proposal is to plant an additional 73 trees. The proposal uses a new contractor to the city called Legacy Trees from La Crosse, WI.  The company packs trees differently, in a way that prevents the trees from becoming route bound. adhere to the ground much more quickly.  The trees are placed on a platform rather than being moved in a root ball. The company will replace the trees "no questions asked".. The contract is for $15,520. 

"How much different of variety?"

"Very different so that there isn't a problem again in the future of sick trees."

The city was awarded a state grant so the money asked for would be on top of that. 

"how old or what size trees are being provided?"

"2-21/2 inch caliber trees"

"Not cost-effective to grow our own nursery."

City staff plants them; trees will be delivered. 

The motion passed unanimously.

   h. Consideration of proposed updated City Handbook – discussion and possible action.

The Employee Handbookd changes will update job descriptions. Lactation breaks have been added to comply with the Pregnant Persons Act, making sure to not discriminate against pregnant workers. The new financial system pays bi-weekly salary, so employees know their vacation time and pay period. THe handbook will be  in effect January 1st 2025 if passed. 

The motion passed.

i   . Approve 2025-2029 Farm Leases – discussion and possible action.

The city has 4 areas of farmlands and sent a plan out to farmers who expressed interest. There were four bidders, each farmer who had the land last. each bid for each lot of land was shown. If the city stops the program on one of the properties, he city will have to pay for value of material if needed to fertilize soil, but that would be a "drop in a bucket" compared to what the city would be gaining from the deal. 

The motion passed.

j. Consideration of Resolution 2024-22 regarding Proposed Building Inspection Department Permit Fee Schedule – discussion and possible action.

Fees have not been adjusted since 2007, but were raised a bit in 2023. Fees are less than the surrounding areas such as Eau Claire and Rice Lake. Permit fees need to be raised to a minimum of 10$. The rates are lower in the commercial world. 

"I don't want to be cheap, I want to be fair"

The motion passed.

k. Consideration of Resolution 2024-23 regarding ARPA-SLFRF Reallocations – discussion and possible action.

The city must have ARPA funds obligated by the end of the year. There is some money left over. The city presented a spreadsheet showing where additional funds can be available. $161,239.29 was preserved from funds available.. The city is asking to approve the reallocation to projects either approved tonight or in the past year. They are not asking to spend more money but to square up their allocations. helps with annual auditors. 

The motion passed

l. Consideration of Ordinance 2024-17, an Ordinance amending Title 3, Chapter 2, Section 2 Room Tax Rate Increase – discussion, possible introduction, possible waiver of the 1st reading,
possible waiver of the second reading and possible adoption.

The city is able to raise the tax to 8% legally. There is a 7% room tax for anyone who rents a hotel room here in Menonomie. State law says room tax has to be used for tourism to do greater marketing in the area. It helps add grants to other projects like tournaments or festivals. the ordinance goes into effect April 1st, 2025, instead of January 1st, to be able to notify the hotel companies in the area. 

The motion passed unanimously.

m. Request from the Police Department to sell or dispose of surplus items – discussion and
possible action.

The truck is very old and always needs maintenance. 

It is still painted in the old color scheme and "looks like the rolling pepsi can"

"they are paying to use it all the time when we have hitches for trailers instead; not wanting to pay insurance or other upkeep costs."

"putting it into reverse is a big challenge...I think i'm just gonna stop there".

 The Motion passed

n. Mayoral Appointments to Boards and Commissions – discussion and possible action

   i. Paul Pillman – Housing Authority

   ii. Derek Hughes – Housing Authority

Both appointments were approved

5. Budget Transfers

   a. Police Department Budget Transfer

This is an internal organization transfer to training budget to help train the  Forensic Lab. It is exponentially expensive training, and staff is happy that they have money saved into another account for transfer. 

The motion passed unanimously. 

6. Mayor’s Report

The holiday parade was a wonderful parade; it was cold, but still very good attendance. It's fun seeing families happy and excited for the holidays! Packers won. 

7. Communications and Miscellaneous Business

a. January City Council Meetings will be Monday January 6 and Tuesday January 21.

Two test wells have been dug as part of the 9th water well program. They are testing to see which site the plant wants to focus on. 

There are two student semester-long Capstone Projects to help create a better community within Menomonie. 

A concern was express that LLC's are becoming a monopoly to housing markets, The council is open to conversing more on limiting LLC's in 2025.

The new law allowing ATV/UTV use of the roads is agreat ordinance put in place, no accidents or violations with the vehicles. 

8. Claims

motion passed

9. Licenses

a. Consideration of Class “A” Beer License application for Synergy Community Cooperative
located at 2320 STH 25 North (Menomonie Cenex North) – discussion and possible action.

Motion Passed

b. Consideration of “Class A” Liquor (Cider Only) License application for Synergy Community
Cooperative located at 2320 STH 25 North (Menomonie Cenex North) – discussion and
possible action.

Motion passed

c. Consideration of Reserve “Class B” Liquor License for Corner Store MN, LLC located at 2302
South Broadway Street (Circle C) – discussion and possible action.

The Mayor does not feel that the license is appropriate for this area; a small rough sketch was provided. Currently, the gas station is not in compliance to receive this license. There is no wall for the beer and food serving area. The background check was passed, other than the limited licenses they have due to state law. 

Council members are worried about clientele, something extra to police. There may be problems with gas stations becoming drinking gas stations. 

"Is there any other liquor availability on that side of town?"

No representation was available from the gas station. 

The motion was denied. 

d. Normal license list – discussion and possible action

The motion passed. 

10. Adjourn

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additional information or to request the service, contact the City Clerk or the City Administrator at 232-2221. 


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Grace Horan

Hello! I'm Grace Horan, originally from Minnesota, living in Wisconsin to attend The University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire.

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