(Per Wis. Stat. § 19.84(2))
MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2025, 5:45 PM
**The building tour for board members will begin at 5:15 PM.** This meeting will be live-streamed at:

       A. Call to Order
       B. Roll Call and Quorum
       C. Pledge of Allegiance and Reading of Mission Statement
       D. Agenda Order and Approval/Revision
       E. Recommendations & Commendations
       F. Community Communications

Many community members spoke in favor of keeping Downsville school open.
       A. Action to Approve Personnel Consent Agenda
           1. Resignations/Retirements
           2. Requests to Hire

The personnel consent agenda was approved unanimously.

       A. Action to Approve 4K Programming Agreements

The 4k Programming Agreements were approved unanimously.

       B. Action to Approve 2024-25 Budget Revisions

The budget revisions were approved unanimously.

       C. Action to Approve Recommendation and Contract for Direct Primary Care Provider

The approved vendor (Innovia) was cost-effective and would offer more options.

The services will start in August/September, according to the current timeline. 

The action was approved unanimously.

       A. Discuss New WIAA Sport Request- Girls Wrestling

Girls wrestling has been added as its own WIAA sport for the 2025-26 school year. Prior to this change by the WIAA, girls interested in wresting have had to participate in the same program as boys.


In alignment with other schools in the Big Rivers Conference, it is recommended that MHS establish a girls wrestling program beginning next school year.

Every school at our conference will have a girls' wrestling program next year.  The district has already had 3 girl wrestlers in high school for the last two years. There are also wrestlers in the lower grades. Eau Claire North currently has 30 girl wrestlers so it is likely that if the program is available, it will be popular. The proposal currently is only for the high school students. 

There will be a new coach for the girls' program. 

This will come back for a vote at the next meeting.

       B. Review Updates to School Nutrition Policies

There will be and addition of the USDA non-discrimination policy

The names of the programs will be corrected in the new policy.

There will be changes in the notification policy for students who have less than $10 in their account and changes of the plan for students who develop negative balances and the collection procedures for students with a $200 negative balance or more. The policies also are being changed to include civil rights issues.  In general, the plan is to clarify and better define the policies. 

The program is also working on more equitable ways to distribute the money in the Angel Fund that is managed by the Community Foundation. 

       C. Discuss the Future of Downsville Elementary School

Only a handful of Kindergarten students would be enrolled at Downsville, and some of them have chosen other schools or options. It seemed possible there would be no Kindergarten students next year. Staffing of Downsville teachers has been an enormous challenge. A letter was sent to all 4k parents to ask them to consider going to Downsville, the number of students at Downsville shrank as a result. There was a meeting with Downsville staff to look for solutions. Some of the Downsville teachers are interested in moving from there to different schools. According to Dr. Zydowsky keeping the school open would require replacing about half of the staff. 

There are concerns over overall enrollment and whether the district can find staff for the school. There will probably be fewer than 75 students at Downsvile next year as opposed to 120 several years ago. Combining grades at the school is problematic.There will be a meeting at Downssville school on Thursday night at 6 PM to discuss this with the community members.  Tentatively the board will make a decision on this on April 14, but it is complicated by staffing issues. Superintendent Zydowsky stated that even if the decision is made to not hold classes in Downsville next year, the district would not immediately sell the building since there may be other uses for the building, especially since it is in good condition. "No for sale sign".;

Board President Henderson emphasized that this is not a budget decision. 

       D. Items Related to Next Meeting Dates, Board Committees, and Reports

Meeting at Downsvile Elementary on Thursday night at 6 PM to discuss keeping the school open.

Next school board meeting is April 14. 



       A. Action to move to closed session for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, pursuant to Section 19.85(1)(c)
       B. Action to Approve Minutes from the Closed Session Meeting on February 24, 2025
       C. Discuss Transfer Requests and Future Employment of Staff from Downsville Elementary School
       A. Action to Adjourn

The agenda as noted above was posted more than twenty-four hours prior to the meeting date. The most up-to-date agenda information is available on the district website. This agenda is posted at the Menomonie Area School District Administrative Services Center, and on the district website at www.sdmanonline.com under the School Board link.


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Anonymous (not verified)

I wonder why this situation was not seriously discussed last year.  Enrollment projections would have shown that this was going to happen.  The administration has failed the district by not having other options available instead of obstacles. This building could be a wonderful place to have a magnet school that would draw students from all over the district.  Now the school board has to act quickly, and they seem to be headed for the easy and dirty solution of closing the school.  Once they do that, as Abe pointed out, it will be very difficult to reopen the building.  The board has to act fast to choose an option for the school.  It will be hasty and there will be mistakes but they do not have time to carefully plan and implement.  That should have started last summer.  I blame the administration for this mess.

Daniel Paulson (not verified)

The administration should have known this was going to happen.  Now the administration has forced the school board and the community to make a hasty decision that almost forces them to close Downsville.  If I were teaching in a small school with declining enrollment, I would start looking for a school with a future.  Now the school board will almost be forced to close the school next fall, and as Abe said, it will be very difficult to reopen.  This school could be a magnet for students interested in STEM, the environment, or even a Montessori school.  Now the district will have to rush to put a specialized school in place before fall. It would be hard, but doable.  Instead of working hard to create something exceptional at Downsville, they will tearfully vote to close the school.

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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley. He is also currently the Ambassador to Newsrooms Serving Rural Communities with LION Publishers.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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