Eye on Dunn County Logo
Steve Hanson 07/15 - 5:22pm
As you may have noticed, some Associated Press articles have started to appear. With some funding from the Knight Foundation, small publishers in swing states have been given access to ...
Eye on Dunn County Logo
Steve Hanson 07/12 - 1:07pm
Things are never dull here. I'm painfully aware that the calendar page is really slow-loading, particularly on a cell phone. I'm considering alternatives for building the calendar, but it may ...
Eye on Dunn County Logo
Steve Hanson 07/05 - 1:08pm
We're interested in what our readers are thinking and we welcome comments on the site. Every article has a comment block at the bottom where you may comment on the ...
Eye on Dunn County Logo
Steve Hanson 07/01 - 12:45pm
We are expanding our services at Eye On Dunn County to include obituaries. You may now place obituaries with us on-line. The obituaries will become part of the lagacy.com network ...
Eye on Dunn County Logo
Steve Hanson 06/25 - 1:19pm
First of all, my apologies for the erratic behavior of the website yesterday. One little mistake and things went completely wonky. But things are now all back to normal and ...
Eye on Dunn County Logo
Steve Hanson 06/17 - 12:26pm
We're still in the process of hiring people to do freelance reporting or other work for the site. I apologize for those of you who may have tried to use ...
Eye on Dunn County Logo
Steve Hanson 06/09 - 1:18pm
If you looked at the site on Sunday you may have noticed some big changes. WisCommunity is becoming Eye on Dunn County. Most of the transition work is in place ...
Eye on Dunn County Logo
Steve Hanson 06/08 - 12:13pm
We have picked a new website name. The best suggestion in the contest was Eye On Dunn --- We are going to adopt that, though we will formally use Eye ...
Steve Hanson 06/06 - 5:10pm
The contest to pick a new name for WisCommunity closes at 5 PM on Friday. We have some good suggestions, but could still use more. And you get a chance ...