Steve Hanson 03/31 - 2:54pm
The Dunn County Infohub was a project that I did in conjunction with the Local News Group which was intended to be a curated set of news articles about Dunn ...
Steve Hanson 03/28 - 1:18pm
There is now an automatic import of events at Dragon Tale Books.
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Steve Hanson 03/26 - 9:00pm
Things are coming along with the website. I've fixed a number of little oddities, particularly with the calendar. Things may continue to change from time to time - I'm particularly ...
coffee cup
Steve Hanson 03/25 - 7:39pm
Progress continues on the website. Search is now working, it looks considerably better, and it is now possible for people to add their own events, though the form still needs ...
Steve Hanson 03/21 - 1:20pm
The display on small devices is now much better, and the newsletter is now being delivered. Okay, so yes, I'm aware that there are a couple issues, particularly that the ...