Meeting agenda is attached/

1. Presentation of community awards

2, Student presentation on internship at Westconsin Credit Union.

3. Student Representative Presentation - last presentation for this school year.

5. Community Communications - new policy on community communications was read.

  • Menomonie Mustang Trap League -- thanks school board and updates what they are doing
  • Mental Health information about high school students and LGBTQIA issues. Two students speak on the issue along with 8th-grade teacher Jason Collins.
  • Discussion of diversity issues and ways that the school district could do a better job. Community member raises issues of how this fits into the new strategic plan.

Revenue and Expenditure Reports: (approx 25 minutes in)

Board Communications (approx 30 minutes in)

Question raised if the school board is willing to draft a resolution in favor of broadband development in the county.

Brief discussion of the issue a the middle school with a threatening note that was found. Appropriate discipline measures were taken.

Consent Agenda Was Approved

Personnel Consent Agenda Approved

Handbook and changes in Employee Handbook. This clarifies the issues of overtime in the district 

The changes were approved unanimously

Student Contests and Tournaments policy 374 - first reading was at the last meeting

passed unanimously

Transportation Contract 

Brief discussion on the current contractor and relationships

Approved unanimously.

Presentation of ELA/SEL Project: (approximatel7y 48 minutes in)

Plans for new MHS STEM Certificate (approx 1:20 in)

Staff is trying to design an option for students starting next fall. Attainment in classes with a STEM emphasis.

Some discussion took place on the desire to provide proficiencies no matter what their area of interest is.

Review Student/Parent Handbooks - (about 1:30 in)

These are mostly editorial changes except for a new policy on cell phones where they will need to be kept in a locker during the school day.

Recommendations from the Extra-Curricular/Coaching Compensation Committee

The recommendations are an attempt to make compensation fairer. 

Discuss 2019-2020 Preliminary Budget (1:45)

This is currently is very preliminary because there is no state budget.


Revenue limit increase per pupil remains stable ($200/student)

Also assumes most other items remain stable. 

There is still no information on the insurance renewal rates. There is some chance the insurance rates will go up slightly due to losses on natural disasters in the past year. 

Policy 672, Purchasing (First Reading)

Attempt to revise purchasing policy to be in line with federal standards. These were developed from WASB and sample policies from the auditors. Added in some new policies (672.1 and 672.2).

2019-2020 Employee Handbook Revision (1:50 in)

Very little discussion on this.

Policy 652.1 Free Admissions (First Reading)

Full-time employees receive free admissions to school events and use of school facilities for wellness activities. This would be extended to substitute employees working 30 or more days in the school year. 

Strategic Planning Update: (1:55 in)

This is still a work in progress and there will need to be additional work done. Some of this will be settled in a conference call. It's hoped that by the end of the month there will be a first final draft, and shared with the board on June 6. Approval would happen June 10 if possible. This may happen at the second June board meeting. 

Board Member Homework for Upcoming Retreat

Sent to board members.

Retreat will be held at Old Towne.


Steve Hanson

Steve is a web designer and recently retired from running the hosting and development company Cruiskeen Consulting LLC. Eye On Dunn County is now published by Eye On Dunn County LLC, and publication of this site continues after his retirement.

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley

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