Editor's Note - Tonight's video is an experiment. Since the editor is home quarantined with COVID, we will borrow the school district live stream of the meeting. 

This meeting will be live-streamed at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCq2Z68-Z717wExwN1mChOQ/streams
       A. Call to Order
       B. Roll Call and Quorum
       C. Pledge of Allegiance and Reading of Mission Statement
       D. Agenda Order and Approval/Revision
       E. Recommendations & Commendations
       F. Highlight on Youth
       G. Student Representative Communications
       H. Community Communications

Several community members spoke to the board. Please refer to the video.

       I. Revenue and Expenditure Reports for the Month Ended November 2024

There have been increases in costs for feeding students in the district, primarily because of increases in the number of meals server. There has been an increase in library costs, primarily from the purchase of software and subscriptions to materials. 

      J. Monthly Employment Report (November 2024)

There has been a budget impact because the district has been successful in filling some positions they have not been able to fill reliably in the past.


This is a standing agenda item for the first regular board meeting of each month.


Recommendations for Regular Board Meeting on December 9, 2024:


A.  Action to Approve the Consent Agenda, as presented:


1.  Minutes - That the board approves the following minutes, as presented:

            a) Regular Board Meeting Minutes of November 11, 2024


2.  Financial Reports - That the board approves general fund checks in the amount of $2,224,576.72 and cash receipts in the amount of $106,091.84 for November 2024, as presented. 


3.  Donations - That the board approves donations exceeding $1,000 for the month of November 2024, as presented: 

  • Menomonie Area Booster Club donated $15,000.00 to MHS athletics.
  • Peter Marsh Foundation donated $1,700.00 to MS Music.


4. The board approves MHS Orchestra out-of-state travel request to the Dorian Orchestra Festival at Luther College in Decorah, IA, as presented.

       A. Action to Approve Consent Agenda
           1. Minutes of a Regular Board Meeting of November 11, 2024
           2. Financial Reports for November 2024
           3. Donations Exceeding $1,000 for November 2024
           4. MHS Orchestra Out of State Travel Request

The consent agenda was approved unanimously.

       A. Action to Approve Personnel Consent Agenda
           1. Resignations/Retirements
           2. Requests to Hire

The personnel consent agenda was approved unanimously.

       A. Action to Approve 2025-26 District Calendar

The calendar is attached to this page. The calendar was adjusted since the last meeting after some discussion with the QIC committee.  The calendar was approved unanimously.


The 2025-26 district calendar is attached for Board consideration.


Based on input received from the staff, the original draft calendar was modified to include the following changes:


The PD day originally scheduled in February 2026 was moved to April 2026- the day after Easter.
Parent-teacher conferences at MMS were moved to the same week as the PC days in both the fall and spring.
Paid holidays were moved from Labor Day and Memorial Day to winter break to provide relief for school year hourly employees. This change, along with deferring elective payroll deductions will reduce the burden of small checks for payrolls periods during the break.
Additional study and investigation related to the 2026 MHS Graduation date will continue. Any recommendation for a date change for graduation will be brought back to the Board before the start of the 2025-26 school year.

       B. Action to Approve New High School Course “Mustang Messenger”

The High School English Language Arts (ELA) Department is proposing a new semester-long course, "Mustang Messenger" that will provide students the opportunity to research and develop publishable writing on instructor approved topics resulting in an online publication to be shared with Menomonie High School staff and students quarterly. If approved, this course will be available to students at the 11th and 12th grade level, and will count towards fulfilling MHS graduation requirements. - Brian Seguin

This course was introduced at the last board meeting. The Mustang Messenger course was approved unanimously.

       C. Action to Approve Policy 343.46, Early College Credit Program


In addition to including the updated language in Policy 343.46, similar language will be included in Rule 343.45 - Technical College Course Program, as well as in the application and approval process for High School Internship, Youth Apprenticeship, and CVTC Academy participation. - Brian Seguin

The policy change was approved unanimously. This defines "good academic standing" more clearly. 


       A. Strategic Planning in the SDMA

Planning Concepts:

An emphasis was placed on attaining a community voice. There will be a strategic plan survey and 18 community sessions.  This will be used to reach a set of priorities for the next five years. The plan is currently in phase 1 and invitations for the community will start soon, and listening sessions will be in January and February. The strategic plan outline is on the board website at https://www.sdmaonline.com/cms/one.aspx?portalid=341586&pageid=1177667

The board had questions about the plan and the listening sessions, particularly on what the board's role should be in participating in the sessions. 


       B. State Accountability Report Cards

Each building receives a report card, and the entire district receives a general card. The district card is attached. The district meets expectations on the whole. Because of the economic standing of our community more of the report card score is based on growth than on academic achievement. All of the report cards are available at https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards/home.

Three of the elementary schools have exceeded expectations. The Middle School and other elementary schools are in the meets expectations category this year. Some of the schools have moved up and down. The high school did not meet most expectations again this year. The district spent a lot of time in the past year trying to improve this, particularly from outreach to districts in a similar demographic that are doing better. A larger percentage of high school students are enrolling in dual-credit courses that will help them to move into higher education. More students are involved in work-based learning as well. Also more students are enrolling in music courses.

Superintendent Zydowsky emphasized that this is a snapshot, and the district is doing continuous work and has high goals but the demographics of the district make this challenging. 

       C. SDMA Accountability Report Cards 2.0

The state accountability report card is very focused on academic achievement, but the district is maintaining data on 16 different categories that the state report card does not capture. In 9 of these categories the district's performance increased, in 5 it went down, and the 16th has remained stable 

       D. Review 2024-25 Budget Revisions

The budget changes were primarily transferring some money from one account to another. This will come back for approval by the board in January.

       E. Review Rule 361, Guidelines for Reconsideration of Educational Materials

During the November school board meeting, it was suggested by Board members that the district lengthen the timeframe for the repeated reconsideration of district books or materials.


The current administrative rule in the SDMA allows for reconsideration once in a calendar year, but some other area school district have a longer timeframe of three, four, or five years.

One Year:

Three Years:

Four Years:
Eau Claire

Five Years:
Chippewa Falls
Clear Lake

Elk Mound
Spring Valley
Turtle Lake
Glenwood City
Menomonie Public Library

Due to the the amount of time, energy, and resources needed to facilitate the reconsideration process, and based on previous feedback from the Board, the SDMA administrative rule will be changed to limit the reconsideration of any particular book to once every five years (see attached Rule 361). In the event that extenuating circumstances require a more timely reconsideration, the administrative rule provides for the opportunity based on majority approval of the reconsideration committee.

Discussion seemed to indicate that there was a consensus that five years is a reasonable period. The five year period was approved. 
       F. Review Information for 2025 School Board Election

Candidates for the board must submit materials by January 7. Incumbents who are not going to run must reply by Dec. 27.  Details are available on the district website. 
       G. Legislative Advocacy

There is a large general fund balance in the state. Wisconsin is now 25th in the country for school funding, so public education needs to have a voice in the budgeting process. The district will be approaching citizens in the district to support the district through their legislators. 

       H. Department of Education Impact on the SDMA.

There are proposals in Washington to terminate the Department of Education. It is not clear what effects that might have on local schools for funding, mitigation of discrimination, or the other functions of the Department. This would not affect the school lunch programs. 

       I. Items Related to Next Meeting Dates, Board Committees, and Reports

There will be no special board meeting this month. The budget hearing will take place in January at the High School. 
       A. Action to Adjourn 

Meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM
The agenda as noted above was posted more than twenty-four hours prior to the meeting date. The most up-to-date agenda information is available on the district website. This agenda is posted at the Menomonie Area School District Administrative Services Center, and on the district website at www.sdmanonline.com under the School Board link.


Attached Document


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Daniel Paulson (not verified)

The discussion of the state report cards should be interesting.  With the high school meeting a few goals, the administration will try to say that they have remediations in place, and it will take time to see them have an effect.  I want to ask why it has taken so long to develop remediations.  The district is supposed to monitor and analyze student achievement to identify areas of effectiveness and failure.  There has been chronic absenteeism that, since COVID-19, has not been effectively dealt with.  That is a major reason for the lack of progress noted on the state report card.  The problems are systemic, and bandaids will not solve them. The district will try to say they must align the curriculum and instruction to the test.  That is basically teaching to the test, and graduates will be good at that test, but will they be prepared to deal with questions of life and further academic studies? Remedial programs are too late and probably too little.  I believe the teachers are doing their best, but I question whether the administration is up to the task of creating an excellent secondary program.  The middle school did OK, but we all know that the problems begin before high school, and the district and high school administration have not responded to the challenge.

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Steve Hanson

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.

He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.

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