7:00 PM
MONDAY – December 2, 2024
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Roll Call & Special Recognitions
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Public Comments
Becca Schoenborn, Jeff Frawley, Mike Stewart and others spoke on the funding request made to the city by Downtown Menomonie. The increased request was because the city has stopped providing accounting services to Downtown Menomonie, and asked that the requested amount be given to them rather than the reduced amount in the budget (Item 5 b). They requested one more year of funding.
Representatives from the Mabel Tainter also requested that they receive the funding they requested.
4. Unfinished Business - none
5. New Business
a. Review of 2025 Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste, and Storm Water Utility operating budgets –
discussion and possible approval.
The budget information for water is in the attached council packet. The budget is primarily constructed to maintain all of the current services. Note that all of the utility budgets are funded by fees, and are not part of the general budget process.
The water budget was approved unanimously.
The wastewater budget includes the purchase of a new sludge truck to haul sludge. The current truck has become unreliable and is needed on a daily basis. The wastewater budget was approved unanimously.
There is no increase in the solid waste disposal charges this year. In 2025 the waste hauling will go out for bids. There will be another electronics collection this year. The solid waste budget was approved unanimously.
The storm water budget also does not include a rate increase, but they will be funding a rate study to determine the needs for rates in the future. The storm water budget was approved unanimously.
b. Review of 2025 Tax Increment Financing operating budgets – discussion and possible
There was a discussion about the subsidies to the Mabel Tainter and Downtown Menomonie. The subsidies were set at 25% lower than the previous year to keep them in line with the levels set for the other nonprofit organizations that are funded from the general budget. Raising those subsidies from the budget would reduce the funding available for other TID 1unded projects.
A motion was made to increase both of those subsidies and fund them at the 2024 level. Objections were raised for the subsidy for the Tainter because when they requested the liquor license for the Spirit Room they stated that the income would reduce their needs for a subsidy from the city. The motion raised the subsidy for the Tainter to $60,000 and $25,000 for Downtown Menomonie. The motion failed.
Another motion was made to increase only the Downtown Menomonie subsidy to $25,000 but leave the Tainter subsidy at the $45,000 in the initial budget. This motion passed with one voting no.
c. Review of 2025 Construction Fund capital budget – discussion and possible approval.
The presented budget includes a mix of projects that are already funded and some that are not yet funded but would require more borrowing. The borrowing would need to be approved in future meetings (Probably January or February long-range planning meetings). Generally the city borrows on a 2-year basis.
The budget was approved unanimously.
d. Proposed Christmas Miracle Contract – discussion and possible approval.
This is the contract for the sliding hills and skating rink near the library. The contract was approved by voice vote.
e. Purchase of Christmas Miracle Shed Materials – discussion and possible approval.
This is the shed that was discussed at the last meeting. The bids for purchasing the sheds were high, so the city will purchase $24,000 in materials from Menards and the city will construct the shed. The purchase was approved unanimously.
f. Purchase of Wolske Bay Shed – discussion and possible action
This shed was less expensive and was as inexpensive to buy as to build. Both of these shed projects are being funded by ARPA funds that need to be encumbered before the end of the year. There is still a small amount of ARPA funding left that will need to be approved at the Dec. 16 meeting. The shed funding was approved unanimously.
g. Proposed Water Park Fee Schedule – discussion and possible action.
The proposal for the rates was brought up to allow printing of the brochures for next year's pool season. A price increase is necessary due to an increase in lifeguard rates. The daily admission will go up by $1 and passes will all increase as well. The rates are all in the attached council packet. The rate for exclusive access was raised to $400 per hour (from $350). The hours for the pool are also expected to be expanded this summer.
The new rates were approved by voice vote.
h. Proposed Solid Waste Fee Schedule – discussion and possible action.
There have been some changes in bulk fees - there are now separate fees for different sizes of sofas. Love seats will now be $20. There have been some clarifications and simplifications of the rates charged for carpet disposal. Toilets have been added to the fee schedule ($5). There has been a high demand for construction material disposal because of the county transfer station closing and a landfill closing., so the city will have fees on limited amounts of construction materials. The maximum amount of construction materials will be the size of a pickup truck bed for $100. Shingles will not be accepted but treated wood will be.
The schedule was approved by voice vote. The new rates will go into effect Jan 21.
i. Request to write off uncollectible NSF accounts payable, and 2022 personal property –
discussion and possible action.
Some checks and personal property tax payments were uncollectable. The total amount is $1342.16. The write off was approved unanimously.
j. Proposed reallocation of available ARPA Funds to pay for a refurbished ambulance –
discussion and possible action.
This is a reallocation from a study that was done at the fire department and is intended to be used to pay for a refurbished ambulance.
The transfer was approved unanimously.
6. Budget Transfers - The transfers are in the attached packet. The transfers were approved unanimously.
7. Mayor’s Report
The lights are on at Wolske Bay. A few more will be added. It may be possible to skate on the bay by this weekend.
Winter Wonderland will be flooded this week and may be available for skating by the weekend.
The Winter Daze parade is Dec. 12.
8. Communications and Miscellaneous Business
The CIty administrator thanked everyone for their efforts on the budget process.
9. Claims
The claims were approved unanimously.
10. Licenses
a. Normal license list – discussion and possible action.
There were no licenses to approve.
11. Adjourn - The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
NOTE: Members of the public may continue to view City Council meetings via Zoom Teleconference /Video Conference or,
over the internet by going to (URL for Zoom meeting), or by calling
1 312 626 6799. The Access Code for the meeting is 899 1874 0391. Please note: this is for viewing purposes ONLY. If you
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NOTE: Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities. For
additional information or to request the service, contact the City Clerk or the City Administrator at 232-2221.
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Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley. He is also currently the Ambassador to Newsrooms Serving Rural Communities with LION Publishers.
He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.
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