This meeting will be live-streamed at:
Yes, we understand that the video is very hard to hear. The Middle School Commons is a noisy room, particularly when kids are playing in the gym. And there is no PA system so it was hard to hear in person as well.
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call and Quorum
C. Pledge of Allegiance and Reading of Mission Statement
D. Agenda Order and Approval/Revision
E. Community Communications
A. Action to Approve Personnel Consent Agenda
1. Resignations/Retirements
2. Requests to Hire
Approved unanimously.
A. Action to Approve 30-Year Capital Improvement Plan
There have been no changes since the last meeting. The plan can be changed in the future as short-term needs change.
The board is prepared to hear any input as time goes on.
There was discussion in the board that there have been objections to the plan, particularly revolving around the playgrounds. There is sentiment to postpone approving the plan, particularly the playground, until more input is received. The work plan does not need to be voted on, but it is more important to approve the Capital Improvement plan so that money can be spent on Capital Improvements.
There was a motion to approve the plan as written, with the understanding that the work plans may change in the future. The motion passed unanimously
B. Action to Approve Number of Regular and Special Education Spaces Available for Open Enrollment
The action was approved unanimously.
C. Action to Approve Home Sweet Menomonie Program
Supt. Zydowsky explained the plan that started in 2018 to help employers incentivize employees to live in the city of Menomonie. Employees of the district are eligible for a $10000 grant toward purchasing a house. Starting in 2025 , there will be a manual assessment and the school district will need to start re-investing in the program again by making a $10,000 payment every year.
The action was approved unanimously.
A. Student Enrollment Update (Second Friday in January Count)
The count date was January 2. It must be amended because Stout was not in session on the 2nd. The amended report will need to be done next week. The winter count date is important for qualifying for state aid.
B. Summer School Discussion
Not much will change with Summer School. There will be 3 2-week sessions. They will collaborate with Menomonie Public Library and the Raptor Center to have wildlife programs this year. Currently, there are 86 courses available.
C. Review Strategic Planning Goals and Major Activities for 2024-25
The work plan is now 15 pages long. The goal at the High School this year is to work with staff to determine what is working and to make the goals of the school better meet the demographics of the students. There will be more emphasis on academic achievement in study halls. Cell phones are now not allowed in high school classes at all. The video contains more information and discussion.
More improvement has happened with giving parents more feedback on what their kids are doing in class and what the expectations are.
D. Review Preliminary Staffing and Course Offering Timeline for 2025-26
E. Review Annual Professional Development Report
The Board will hear an update on the professional development activities taking place this year.
The School District of the Menomonie Area continues to be proud of the quality and variety of professional development offerings provided to all staff groups. Annual professional development offerings in the SDMA are based on a needs assessment process that includes input from all staff groups via feedback surveys that have included: School Perceptions surveys, locally developed surveys, direct staff feedback in alignment with the SDMA Strategic Plan, reviews of local student data, as well as activities related to state-level requirements such as WI Act 20 are also considered. Professional development offerings are then prioritized annually and personalized in a manner that is responsive to staff needs.
The following have been identified as strengths within the SDMA PD offerings
- Access to nationally recognized presenters
- Flexibility in PD offerings within the SDMA
- Incorporating time for collaboration within PD offerings
- Providing a mix of professional learning and training opportunities
- Maintaining a personalized approach to professional development
- The development of an Instructional Coaching Menu for use within the SDMA
The following have been identified as possible opportunities for growth with the SDMA PD offerings
- Providing increased access to attendance at professional development opportunities outside of the district
- Access to a wider variety of position specific professional development offerings for hourly staff
- Continued balance for the need for required professional development activities with opportunities for individualized choice
During the 2024-2025 school year staff have had the opportunity to learn from nationally recognized educational leaders, local experts, and each other. Professional development days have included a balance of large and small group learning formats, as well as providing time staff planning and collaboration. In addition a variety of “On Demand” self paced learning opportunities and “After Hours” PD sessions have been offered for staff to participate in as one way to fulfill teachers' self-directed PD requirement. - Brian Seguin
F. Review Board/Administration State Education Convention Reports
G. Review Annual Board Member Attendance Report
H. Review Extracurricular Staff Contract Requests
I. Items Related to Next Meeting Dates, Board Committees, and Reports
The next meeting is at Oaklawn Elementary School.
A. Action to Adjourn
The agenda as noted above was posted more than twenty-four hours prior to the meeting date. The most up-to-date agenda information is available on the district website. This agenda is posted at the Menomonie Area School District Administrative Services Center, and on the district website at under the School Board link.
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Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley.
He has been a computer guy most of his life but has published a political blog, a discussion website, and now Eye On Dunn County.
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