7:00 PM Tuesday – September 3, 2024 


Note that we did not receive the packet for this meeting before the meeting took place. 

Pledge of Allegiance 

1. Roll Call & Special Recognitions 

Sutherland and McCollough absent

2. Approval of Minutes 

Minutes were approved

3. Public Comments 

  • Comments are in the recording.

4. New Business 

  a. Proposed Ordinance 2024-12, an Ordinance Amending Section 6-3-2-A of the City Code to include All-Terrain Vehicles and Utility Terrain Vehicles in Exhibition Driving – discussion, possible introduction, possible waiver of the first reading, possible waiver of the second reading and possible adoption.

 This is an addition to the ATV ordinance which was just approved last meeting. This will apply the exhibition driving ordinance to ATV and UTV driving - allowing enforcement against reckless driving. It was introduced by Ryland Erdman. First and second readings were waived and the ordinance amendment was passed. 

  b. Proposed Ordinance 2024-13, an Ordinance Amending Section 1-4-6-A of the City Code to amend the deposits for All-Terrain Vehicles and Utility Terrain Vehicles – discussion, possible introduction, possible waiver of the first reading, possible waiver of the second reading and possible adoption. 

This changes the schedule of deposits for the ordinance.  Introduced by Yonko and first and second readings were waived. The ordinance was approved by voice vote. 

  c. Proposed Resolution 2024-17, a Resolution Requesting Exemption from the County Library Tax – discussion and possible motion approving. 

The city currently contributes more than the county tax so this resolution would exempt the city from the county tax. The resolution was approved by voice vote. 

  d. Request from the Community Services Department to sell or dispose of miscellaneous surplus items – discussion and possible action. 

The request from community services was approved by voice vote. 

  e. Special Event Permits – discussion and possible action: 

      i. Let’s Paint The Town Homecoming Event in Wilson Park on September 20, 2024. 

This is a music event (Homegrown Tomatoes) on Homecoming day and also includes multiple food trucks. The event was approved pending insurance. 

5. Budget Transfers 

There was an 18769 transfer for bulldozing an uninhabitable home. The demolition was approved previously. It was approved unanimously. 

6. Mayor’s Report 


7. Communications and Miscellaneous Business 

The changes at Wilson Park are underway to make it more accessible.  The city is nearly ready to transition to their new enterprise system and will be 100% transferred by the end of the year. 

The plans for parking are being re-considered. New solutions should be announced in the next few months. 

The rail commission reports that the new Borealis train has had excellent ridership. It is almost double what was expected. 

Meet Menomonie is tomorrow at UW-Stout. The city will be represented and will include a voter drive in conjunction with the League of Women Voters. 

There will be new playground equipment in Phelan Park and some other improvements. It will all be ADA accessible. 

8. Claims 

The claims list was approved unanimously. 

9. Licenses 

a. Normal license list – discussion and possible action. 

The license list was approved unanimously. 

10. Closed 

  a. Motion to convene in closed session under Wisconsin Statues 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session – Evergreen Cemetery Financial Assistance. 

11. Return to Open Session 

  a. Motion to reconvene in open session under Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(2). 

  b. City may take action on items under discussion in closed session and/or report action taken in closed session, if any. 

12. Adjourn 

 “PUBLIC ACCESS” NOTE: Members of the public may continue to view City Council meetings via Zoom Teleconference /Video Conference or, over the internet by going to (URL for Zoom meeting), or by calling 1 312 626 6799. The Access Code for the meeting is 869 0776 1118. Please note: this is for viewing purposes ONLY. If you wish to participate, you must appear in person at the meeting. NOTE: Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities. For additional information or to request the service, contact the City Clerk or the City Administrator at 232- 2221

Steve Hanson

Steve is a web designer and recently retired from running the hosting and development company Cruiskeen Consulting LLC. Eye On Dunn County is now published by Eye On Dunn County LLC, and publication of this site continues after his retirement.

Steve is a member of LION Publishers , the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, the Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Local Media Consortium, is active in Health Dunn Right, and is vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Greater Chippewa Valley

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